On a crucial call with analysts, Mr Cayne reportedly clammed up “like a deer in the headlights”, forcing colleagues to pretend he had left the room.
The menu links on the left side of the screen call database code with transactions in various ways.
He participated in a call with analysts that reporters were allowed to listen in on, but left most of the talking to Chief Financial Officer Maggie Wu.
As shown in Figure 34, the highlighted bar on the left is the call before calling the checkin service.
First, set a breakpoint in main System.out.println by double-clicking in the gray margin on the left side of the editor view, next to the call to System.out.println .
首先双击编辑器视图左端的灰色边沿,从而在调用System . out .println之后的main System . out . println中设置一个断点。
I called at his house, but he wasn't in. So I left a message telling him that I would call on him the next day.
Let's leave our suitcases in the left luggage office and call for them later on when we have the car.
He had left early for the office, where he hadplunged into an accumulation of unimportant business. In the afternoon one of the senior partners had madean unexpected call on his time;
He had left early for the office, where he hadplunged into an accumulation of unimportant business. In the afternoon one of the senior partners had madean unexpected call on his time;