He made special contributions in Chinese modern literature history.
Shen Congwen is a typical and special writer in Chinese modern literature history.
The significance of literary history of literary faction is a weak segment in Chinese modern literature studying.
Chekhov is one of the Russian writers who have been most frequently introduced and commented in Chinese modern literature.
This thesis strives to expound the declination and decomposition of the traditional family culture in Chinese modern literature.
Just like its literary creation, the translation of Chuangzaoshe is very important in Chinese modern literature and translation literature.
The plural and contradictory narrations of nation-state constituted complex forms of the modern cultural Identity in chinese modern literature.
It is the reasonable logic in this thesis that we must rethink the declination and decomposition of the traditional family culture in Chinese modern literature.
The novel "The Besieged City", a classic novel in Chinese modern literature, is praiseworthy for its super language art, which is embodied in many artistic ways.
In Chinese modern literature, Shao Xunmei is a well-known aesthetic poet, publisher and literature activist. But the research on Shao Xunmei has long been in a limited scale.
Children's Angle, as a new narrative form begins to develop rapidly in modern Chinese literature when children are respected at large.
Chinese modern esthetic literature attempts with the pure artistic form to resist the material commercial civilization, also deep deeply takes root in the modern commercial civilization.
I long for my own way in the research on Chinese liberated-area literature, regional literature, modern literary literature and modern literary trends.
His achievement in Literary works has made "the Common Peoples literature" become the mainstream in modern Chinese literature.
Among the numerous poets in the history of Chinese modern literature, He Qifang is called "dream-drawing poet", and his poems and proses are classified as "monologue"style.
In recent years, studying chinese modern literature using Bakhtin's polyphony theory and exploring polyphonyness in modern literature have been a noteworthy phonomina.
This article illustrates the contribution of "native novels" to our Chinese modern literature in history from the Angle of themes.
The Poetics of Chinese modernity attempts to study the general questions of modern Chinese literature in the perspective of cultural modernity.
Modernity and literariness should be a dual fundamental yardstick in the studies of modern Chinese literature.
Literature in 1920s pour out the Chinese modern writers' dilemma in moral with its' particular aesthetics style.
His novel Fortress Besieged is considered by reviewer Xia Zhiqing to be "the most interesting, the most efforts-consuming and probably the greatest novel in modern Chinese literature history".
Zhao Shuli in regarded as the most excellent example of the aesthetics of reception in modern Chinese literature.
As a narrative production in the world of Chinese language, South East Asian literature in Chinese has unavoidably influenced by the mother literature in Chinese, be it classical or modern.
The musical lyric literature as a new genre and style in modern Chinese literature matured in Shen's works.
The musical lyric literature as a new genre and style in modern Chinese literature matured in Shen's works.