The example in Listing 3 shows how you can use this operator in combination with the !$ operator.
清单3中的示例显示可以如何将此操作符与 ! $ 运算符组合使用。
And the example of "Lean + Agile Kanban" in Figure 7 used with Figure 8 shows a combination of a feature breakdown in the upper level and a work breakdown in the lower level.
For example, you can use ls in combination with du to determine the disk usage of different directories with the command shown in Listing 5.
The example you'll work with here is a combination of a PHP service that serves dummy data containing the number of messages received in certain categories for specific users.
Consider, for example, the initial of the first name in phonetic combination with the last.
For example, you can use it in combination with a case statement to choose the right aliases, as per the ps examples in the previous section, like Listing 10.
The functions for gas load forecast and index statistics of the system are discussed in combination with engineering example.
In combination with a typical example, this paper introduces the application of sub drain for stability design of water intake structure.
In the combination with the project example, the paper introduces the cause and the treatment measures of reinforced concrete basin slab bulge.
In this paper, they are discussed and analyzed by a systermatic method, in combination with a example from Hunan Province And the principles and methods are recommended to solve these problems.
The system architecture, the project system configuration and the trunk quantity calculation of wireless local telephone campus network are described in combination with a project example.
In the combination with the project example the paper introduces the mixture ratio design and construction process of cement stable broken stone.
The U. s. Millennium Challenge Corporation, for example, USES these Worldwide Governance Indicators, in combination with other data sources, to make its aid allocation decisions.
A key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning; for example, producing an uppercase character when a letter key is pressed.
Enormous time and distance saving in combination with optimisation of work flow, for example with multiple pictures or status pictures.
Siemens VDO has for example developed the software concept C-IQ to provide Map Contents, POIs and 3rd party services in combination with car navigation systems.
西门子威迪欧已经开发出一个叫C - IQ的软件系统,它能将地图信息、兴趣点查询以及第三方服务与汽车导航产品相结合。
For example, in a trader's business, a regular shipment may arrive in port and require combination with another shipment due, before being shipped on, all this done under a DC.
For example, in a trader's business, a regular shipment may arrive in port and require combination with another shipment due, before being shipped on, all this done under a DC.