This shortcut would actually only run the emulator in Command Prompt and not load an actual virtual device.
If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.
You can also call any command or function in the prompt, as mentioned earlier.
To run it in interactive mode, type each command at the prompt.
In interactive mode, you type commands into the command prompt and the console displays the results.
First, set up the installation package in a release area using the command prompt.
As each component starts, messages will be displayed in the command prompt window, and when it has started, it will look similar to Figure 7.
The files and folders section also allows you to quickly launch common folders or open command prompt in a said folder.
In fact, a new prompt appears anytime you do not complete the command line at the previous prompt.
If you're successful in deploying the service, the following message appears in the command prompt.
In DB2 EEE, issuing a simple command from the DB2 command Line Processor (CLP) prompt creates the database.
在DB 2EEE中,可从DB 2命令行处理器(CLP)提示符发出一个简单命令来创建数据库。
When you log in, you are said to be at the command line or command prompt.
Now enter the following in the Command Prompt, substituting the name of your Android virtual machine for your_device
In the resulting command prompt window, issue the following commands.
Open a command prompt in the new slicr directory.
The admin commands or task command can be invoked in batch or interactive mode, in a script, or from an operations command prompt using the wsadmin -c command.
可以在脚本中以批处理模式或交互模式调用管理命令或任务命令,或使用wsadmin- c命令从操作命令提示符调用。
A developer only needs to issue the command deploy.bat with two input parameters in a command prompt.
开发人员仅需要在命令提示符中发出含两个输入参数的命令deploy . bat。
In a command prompt window, type the following command: db2cmd.
The phrase \$somevar escapes the dollar sign, avoiding interpretation of the variable in the command where the prompt is set. Instead, the interpretation occurs whenever the prompt is drawn.
$somevar 可以对美元符号进行转义,避免在设置提示符的命令中对该变量进行解释,而是在显示提示符时对其进行解释。
In the command prompt, you enter the following commands to enable portlet fragment caching.
In our case, we will be deploying the PBA solution on the same computer on which we built it, so get the hostname of your machine by typing hostname in a Windows command prompt.
在本例中,我们会将PB a解决方案部署到构建该解决方案所在的同一计算机上,因此,您可在Windows命令行提示下输入hostname来获得计算机的主机名。
In the command prompt window, type the following command, and then press enter.
Android will now begin to load in your emulator. Several command prompt Windows may open, and then you'll see the emulator itself.
Run the following commands from a command prompt, where is the user id in use, is the users password.
Run the following SQL statement in a DB2 command prompt
Open up the command prompt, change the directory to SpringProject, and type in the following at command prompt: build.
In the command prompt, enter the following command to install the portlet.
If you want to know more about the help facilities within Python, just enter help at a command prompt in the Python interpreter to access the interactive help utility (see Listing 4).
To reflect the changed folder in the prompt, cmdcwd must be aliased to the set prompt command (see Listing 11).
After this script has finished, you should see something similar to Figure 3 in your command prompt or bash. (View a text version of the sample output in Figure 3.)