With prices for comparable products 25-90% less than those of its Western competitors, ZTE has customers in over 60 countries.
由于中兴公司的产品价格低廉(其产品价格要比欧美公司生产的同类产品价格底25% ~ 90%),它在60多个国家都拥有客户。
Even property prices have fallen by only half as much as in comparable British cities.
It also pays to research comparable prices to make sure the price of the foreclosure is significantly below values in the area.
While prices are comparable to other high quality dining in the neighborhood, I found that the value for RMB is substantial.
Although stockmarket sentiment towards China's property developers has plummeted, there does not yet appear to be a comparable drop in the prices of flats or rental rates for offices.
Note: Data in this table are calculated at comparable prices.
Data in this table are calculated at current prices. Indices are based on comparable prices.
Absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
Value-added in this table are calculated at current prices. The indices in this table are calculated at comparable prices.
Affordability is the primary consideration in determining price for HOS flats. Prices also have reference to the market value of comparable private sector developments in similar locations.
In certain metropolitan areas in which the two utilities operate side by side, I am told that comparable houses sell at higher prices in these cities if they are located in our service area.
Note: the absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices whereas the indices are calculated at comparable prices.
Note: the absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices whereas the indices are calculated at comparable prices.