Such self-help networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs, consist of "primary" institutions, those closest to the individual in shaping his or her behavior and beliefs.
They show comprehension to consist not just of passive assimilation but of active engagement in inference and problem-solving.
But they show comprehension to consist not just of passive assimilation but of active engagement in inference and problem-solving.
Business operations consist of steps or tasks that are performed in a sequence.
Distributed development teams may consist of multiple office environments in different geographic locations, each capable of hosting a repository and multiple database servers.
The difference not only consist in the softness (or hardness) of the padding, but also in the size of the cabin or the number of seats in a car.
In the sample scenario, these actions consist of patient and doctor notifications.
The data in this example consist of two phone number entries: a display name and the number used for dialing.
For example, user information could consist of age, expertise in health care, level of computer knowledge, education, and so on.
These consist of shock absorbers, like those used in passive systems, but they can be adjusted to relax or stiffen when necessary.
They consist of a series of encounters in which the discrete worlds incarnated in these highly diverse characters start colliding and breaking each other open.
In a clustered environment, one logical component may consist of more than one physical node, with each node running on a JVM.
Most of this plug-in parser's implementation functions consist of a simple return statement.
One is gas hydrates—white, sorbet-like compounds that usually consist of methane molecules trapped in a cage of water.
The operations used in this demonstration consist of reading in XML data and retrieving it.
The amazing artwork showcased in this post consist of layers upon layers of glass, each and every one of which has been painted on.
PPM activities, in my definition, consist of the following core competencies.
Both starch and cellulose consist of sugar molecules, linked together in different ways, and sugar is what fermentation feeds on.
No one today really thinks that school, especially in the early years, should consist of nothing but dreary rote learning.
Transitions consist of features like changes in indentation, special leading symbols, and so on.
Keep in mind that these frameworks generally consist of utilities and libraries, so getting them installed isn't difficult.
Oil sands consist of clay, sand, and other minerals, coated in water and thick, viscous oil called bitumen (or asphalt).
The example node name would consist of the components shown in Table 4.
那么,它的节点名应该由表 4 所示的成分组成。
They generally consist of a hole in the ground with a footprint on either side.
The natural resources in the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law consist of living and non-living resources.
In fact, many times an American greeting will consist of several greeting questions strung together.
Cromwell supported the creation of an other house in Parliament, which would consist of 40 to 70 people to be chosen by him and then approved by the Commons - a house of Lords in all but name.
Cromwell supported the creation of an other house in Parliament, which would consist of 40 to 70 people to be chosen by him and then approved by the Commons - a house of Lords in all but name.