You may choose to include some of the filter predicates in MQTs if you think that your queries would always filter data using the same constant value.
With a hash index you can find a record in a given file in constant time by generating a hash value for the record and then looking up the record in the file based on that hash value.
If it's a single value (for example, an upper bound on a shoe size, or the maximum number of monkeys that can fit in a barrel), leave the constant as it is.
In the previous examples, the first column (i.e., the top manager) was specified as constant value.
An assign parameter mapping lets you specify a constant value to put in a target parameter.
Embedded statements are not allowed in constant expressions, such as the value of an enumeration constant, the width of a bit-field, or the initial value of a static variable.
Writing that constant over and over again is tedious at best, and error-prone if you try to type it in each time by hand instead of cutting and pasting the value.
When you don't see your value and strengths, you live in constant fear of never being enough and therefore settle for less in life.
GCC provides a built-in function that you can use to determine whether a value is a constant at compile-time.
And we know that it's this constant value in the high temperature limit.
In the Properties view, you can enter the constant value.
To define a data field in the _email action object as a constant value.
Slow granule: can make solution PH value in a certain range of constant maintain the basic material.
Considerthe statement: "I am hungry." Though its meaning is constant in time, the truth value of the statement can vary in time.
The return value of the function filetype( name )—either the constant FILE or the constant DIR—collates each item in the file system into its appropriate slot.
filetype(name )函数的返回值 —常量FILE或常量DIR — 将文件系统中的每一项整理到相应的slot 中。
Compares the value entered by the user in an input control with the value entered in another input control, or with a constant value.
"The value of human life consists in its constant charm of endless pursuit", once a motto of some great minds, is now being echoed by more and more working people.
You can also use import to introduce other non-constant members as well. For example, consider a math utility library (of questionable value perhaps, but still...) in Listing 6.
When you constructed the message element target using the Add/Edit dialog in Figure 8, you left the Type field as String so that the Value field could be the desired string constant.
在使用图8中的Add/Edit对话框构建消息元素目标时,您将Type字段保留为String,以便Value 字段是所希望的字符串常量。
On the other hand, in the first solution, If you want the top and bottom of the views to align, you must make sure their top and bottom constraints use the same constant value.
Figure 21 shows a decline in cloudiness to between 50% and 60% at Chengdu and chongqing-a value that remains more or less constant across the rest of the eclipse path through China.
In the case of constant load, the energy release rate will increase with time until it reaches a higher limit value.
This function can make numerical control system according to the point in the X coordinates, as the diameter of the workpiece calculated value spindle speed, and the cutting speed to be constant.
The error of tidal harmonic constant in simulation is slight as compared with the observed value.
The result shows, under different vibration mode, equivalent parallel capacitance and resistance are not constant value. There is negative damp effect in transducer system at the operating mode.
In the experiments, a constant value of 20 kV was used.
If the capital employed remains constant, changes in the ROCE automatically result in a change in value creation.
The average value of hydrogen diffusion coefficient in metal hydride(MH) electrode was measured by constant current discharge method.
The average value of hydrogen diffusion coefficient in metal hydride(MH) electrode was measured by constant current discharge method.