This appears big in contrast with that.
In contrast with the Keblet's, he was always calm.
In contrast with a depression, a recession is relatively easy to bring to an end.
This design is in contrast with JAX-RPC, which hides all the XML from the developer.
这种设计与JAX - RPC恰好相反,后者向开发人员隐藏了所有的XML。
In contrast with Tom's goals of socializing, I contrive to learn new and complex things.
In contrast with PC makers, firms in the telecoms industry have long fought over patents.
“In contrast with other Japanese companies, our company can be described as flat, ” says Mr Fukui.
In contrast with previous computer-industry battles, a single victor seems unlikely this time around.
Increasing supply of dentists induces their geographic diffusion in contrast with physicians in Japan.
In contrast with figure skating and gymnastics, there are no subjective votes made by judges in swimming.
True, its current account has been broadly balanced, in contrast with America's large and persistent deficits.
It sets Morgan Stanley in contrast with its archrival, Goldman Sachs, which doesn't seem keen to change at all.
This means that in contrast with interval averaged metrics, the aggregates retain their values across intervals.
In contrast with the 1970s, men now can hardly expect to better their lives by selflessly serving their companies.
One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed.
A common criticism is that European technology start-ups fail to think big in contrast with the outsized egos in Silicon Valley.
In contrast with other open source languages like Perl and Python, PHP lacks a robust community effort to develop a math library.
They directly interface with the customer (via the Web, ATM, and so on), in contrast with applications that are internal to the company.
与那些属于公司内部的应用程序相比,它们是直接与客户打交道的(通过Web、A TM等)。
But the excess of waffle and the lack of specifics stand out in contrast with Poland's ready support for the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In contrast with earlier periods of the council's history, when loud, confrontational debates were common, most current debates occur in private.
In Indonesia there is a shortage of nurses at health-care facilities but, in contrast with other countries, there are also many unemployed nurses.
This approach is in contrast with designing software for a broader audience, which requires you to add various features that may or may not be used.
The whole process is described in Listing 8, being in contrast with the above coding section in Listing 7 for invoking the Address Finder Web Service.
整个过程如清单8 所示,可以与 清单7调用地址查询Web 服务的代码片段进行对比。
In contrast with air bursts, local fallout can be a hazard over a much larger downwind area than that which is affected by blast and thermal radiation.
Just like we've talked about our open source and commercial technology choices in contrast with using Subversion we also support integrating ClearCase.
In contrast with the run-up to the new Afghanistan strategy announced by Obama in the spring, details of the discussions have been kept extremely tight.
As a result of such dogmatism, psychoanalysis has remained basically stagnant for more than a century, in contrast with scientific psychology, which is thriving.
Mr Pariser’s thesis is noteworthy because in contrast with Mr Morozov’s gleeful iconoclasm, he is critiquing the internet from an openly progressive starting-point.
Mr Pariser’s thesis is noteworthy because in contrast with Mr Morozov’s gleeful iconoclasm, he is critiquing the internet from an openly progressive starting-point.