Signals that the endless fumbling over Greece's second bailout will end in debt restructuring prompted investor flight from core euro-zone countries as well as peripheral ones.
In July Greece's rescuers agreed that it would need a new bail-out plan to include a "voluntary" debt restructuring by private Banks along with fresh dollops of official funds.
First of all what type of investors would pay extra for the right to hold out against a Greek debt restructuring in an English court?
Firms that in the past would have been able to roll over their loans, bonds and debts coming to maturity now face a liquidity crisis that may lead them into costly debt restructuring.
Now debt restructuring would only be considered "case by case", and in line with current IMF practices.
Argentina unveiled the terms of its long-awaited offer to creditors who chose not to participate in its first debt restructuring in 2005.
They are, in other words, expecting some kind of debt restructuring, like the restructuring that reduced Argentina's debt by two-thirds.
The idea of resolving the debt crisis through restructuring may still be anathema in official European circles, but it won’t go away.
One of those conglomerates, Dubai World, is in the midst of its own debt restructuring.
DESPITE being almost alone in its hard-line opposition to any form of Greek debt restructuring, the European Central Bank looks set to win the current round of Greek bail-out negotiations.
Any default or restructuring implies a reduction in debt: creditors do not get all their money back (at least when they expected to). All creditors would be hit.
“Debt restructuring in euro-area member states is not an option, ” European Union spokesman Amadeu Altafaj said this week.
“欧元区成员国债务重组不是一个选择”,欧盟发言人Amadeu Altafaj本周如是说。
For these countries Mr Ghosh and his co-authors advocate debt restructuring in advance of monetary easing.
This blocks any sensible debate about restructuring Greek and Irish debt in the near term even though, confusingly, Germany insists that bondholders must in future bear more of the burden.
Policymakers are discussing a range of measures at the summit in Brussels, including a new loan package to Greece and the role of private investors in any debt restructuring.
By the end of the year, rumours will be rife of an imminent public-debt restructuring in Greece.
In the case of Greece, it would need to set some floor on the value of Greek debt as an orderly restructuring is arranged.
In return, France agreed to support a debt-restructuring procedure demanded by Germany.
The international Banks that lent to Dubai, like the emirate itself, may have to swallow a bitter pill and agree to a restructuring in the total debt.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy’s own creditworthiness.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy's own creditworthiness.
Meanwhile, the French banking industry floated a proposal for an orderly restructuring of Greek debt that would involve private investors rolling over their holdings in bonds.
In Ireland's case a restructuring should involve a haircut for some bank creditors-and then a lower interest rate on the debt that is left.
The package of measures announced in late July calmed nerves about Greece, Ireland and Portugal, with the long-feared restructuring of Greek debt not as traumatic as had been feared.
Ukraine says that Russia has refused to take part in negotiations over restructuring the debt.
It analyzes the reasons of railway debt and proposes several programs of debt restructuring in order to solve railway debt as well as the detailed implementing advice.
These countries will have to take the IMF medicine of debt restructuring and fiscal tightening that was meted out so often in previous emerging-market crises.
These countries will have to take the IMF medicine of debt restructuring and fiscal tightening that was meted out so often in previous emerging-market crises.