He shook his head in disapproval.
She pursed her lips in disapproval.
She shook her head in disapproval.
Father looked at him in disapproval.
The British and their European partners have been more united in disapproval but have yet to present a real plan.
The sisters considered him, united in disapproval, both holding on to one of the swing poles, as though it was the safe place in tag.
She found Derek still spread out in front of the TV. She shook her head in disapproval, then reached for the remote and turned the TV off.
His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval.
Mark Twain is quoted to show that the disapproval of smiles in pictures was a deep-rooted belief.
At that moment, a gallery worker with a feather duster in her hand gave us a glare of very strong disapproval.
He flies in the face of public disapproval.
He was going to butt in when his mother darted a look of disapproval at him.
Either way — with the package passed by congress or the trigger of automatic cuts — a second increase in the debt ceiling would occur, but with an accompanying congressional vote of disapproval.
The occasional rudeness and social disapproval a vegetarian must tolerate is a pretty small inconvenience in comparison to Constantine's way of dealing with vegetarians.
And some people worry that they'll never be able to let go enough to love anybody: "the reason is usually buried in their childhood, in some fear of being found wanting, or in parental disapproval."
Yes, she has joined the chorus of disapproval-and that in itself might surprise a few diehards who think that Africans should just be grateful for the aid and shut up.
He seemed genuinely curious about her at first, but after only a sentence or two, he turned away with disapproval in his face.
When swabs from surfaces reveal stratospheric levels of bacteria, up go howls of disapproval and in comes the industrial cleaning equipment.
Mother and Father only smiled again, much to Aunt Mary Maria's disapproval. Impatience in children should never be condoned.
Even in Asia, currently blight-free, planting new rubber trees often means cutting down rainforest, to general disapproval.
In six months, his approval rating has fallen from 63% to 56% while his disapproval rating has nearly doubled, from 20% to 39%.
At that moment, a gallery worker with a feather-duster in her hand gave us a glare of very strong disapproval.
In less than two years, President Obama's approval rating has gone from 45% to under 30% while his "disapproval" index has climbed from 12% to 45%.
Well the answer may lie in the fact that we are scared when looking that we will instantly see disapproval for our glances and will be rejected.
To reach their potential, young children need to spend time in a caring, responsive environment that protects them from neglect and inappropriate disapproval and punishment.
To reach their potential, young children need to spend time in a caring, responsive environment that protects them from neglect and inappropriate disapproval and punishment.