He did it in disregard of any advice.
He did the work in disregard of my instructions.
They adopted the decision in disregard of our repeated warnings.
Star singers, painters and calligraphers, authors… all go in for self-packaging overtly in disregard of public ridicule.
The district speaker, George Ambe, said some companies were operating in disregard of the Tobacco Act that required them to have woodlots for mitigation purposes.
She doesn't believe that the Party is actually thoughtless in their actions, but instead disregard the individual value of the people they rule.
But I think that a pattern of disregard for things that the patient feels are important in their life is certainly a red flag.
But he was already infatuated, in utter disregard of his tongue.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
I'm going to disregard the roid-raging-Mohawk-and-cape Yat we saw in his first appearance because the outfit he's worn as the ion is, in my opinion, one of the better looking modern costumes.
Disregard this "pro" if: you have built a deep understanding of accounting, finance, operations, strategy, and marketing in addition to whatever you ultimately specialize in.
The huge fortunes earned by coal mine owners in recent years have encouraged many to disregard safety, resulting in thousands of deaths every year from accidents.
The streets of Colombian cities were crowded with obsolete buses which operated with disregard for public safety and in near chaos, without organized bus stops.
Unfortunately, at some point in our lives we give into the fast paced world around us and disregard the faculties of our own mind.
Even though there are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food, some food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.
In contrast to the people-friendly image of the central leadership, local cadres, as a collective, share a much less desirable reputation for their indifference to, if not disregard of, citizens.
The current disregard for environmental conditions in this region contrasts strongly with the scenic and mystical attributes of Shangri-La portrayed in James Hilton's 1933 novel, "The Lost Horizon."
目前该地区对环境状况的漠视同詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)1933年在小说《消失的地平线(The Lost Horizon)》里所描述的香格里拉的优美与神秘形成了鲜明对照。
The Web Services server could disregard the misspelled tags and provide you with a default value such as the stock quote of company a in a SOAP response message.
They are also being ordered to broadcast two hours of state-approved news every evening and to disregard audience ratings in their programming decisions.
When the 100% is broken, whether it can weaken the impact, continue to fight in the shop seller and do this kind of alternative real disregard or ignore, still do the best of their own?
Please disregard the presence of Cabal's agent Mark Zuckerberg in the group, he will not be able to do much harm to the project.
I'm trying to disregard the girl in me who would happily drop this whole grand idea of traveling around the world in simple exchange for the keys to David's apartment.
I'm trying to disregard the girl in me who would happily drop this whole grand idea of traveling around the world in simple exchange for the keys to David's apartment.