I grew up in a Pentecostal-type faith in northeast Mississippi called the Church of God of Prophecy where my father was the pastor.
London will be a sort of Grantham-on-Thames (Grantham being the home town where Margaret Thatcher acquired her faith in thrifty self-sufficiency).
I have no idea where we are headed and, which in itself is an act of faith, but finally we arrive at the gates of Missionaries of Charity.
In a contentious area where the good faith of scientists is frequently challenged, this lack of transparency and explicit procedure breeds distrust.
From thebirth of our liberty, America has had a faith in the future—a beliefthat where we’re going is better than where we’ve been, even when the path aheadis uncertain.
And yet such a forgery would perfectly reflect the contemporary faith in science to conquer every realm, even one where beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder.
The institutional strength of the churches is nowhere more apparent than in the U.S., a country where public faith in God seems to be as secure as it was in medieval France.
教会的力量在任何其他国家都不会比在美国更强大。 在美国,公众对上帝的信仰就像在中世纪的法国那样牢不可破。
But outside of Moscow, where the KGB hand was heaviest, Stone said he believes a beleaguered class of professionals was often doing its best in good faith under difficult or impossible circumstances.
Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, talked a few days ago about how faith could be restored in a world where "my word is my bond" had been replaced by "my word is my CDO squared".
英格兰银行(Bank of England)行长默文·金(Mervyn King)几天前谈到,在这个世界已经从“我的承诺就是我的债券”变成了“我的承诺就是我的双层担保债务凭证(CDO squared)”的时候,该如何重塑信心。
I wonder whether we show this kind of desire for God as clearly as the psalmist does. It probably depends on our level of faith and where we are in our spiritual journey.
I wonder whether we show this kind of desire for God as clearly as the psalmist does. It probably depends on our level of faith and where we are in our spiritual journey.