Whenever you kill a trophy monster, you gain the honor part of its reward immediately and then place the card itself face up in front of you.
Guests can go straight to their room and place their phone in front of the lock and the door opens.
It's a nice place to relax on calls with clients and at other times when you don't need the computer in front of you.
No need to stop by the reception. Guests can go straight to their room and place their phone in front of the lock and the door opens.
Toilet breaks are allowed, but the key is to remember who is standing behind and in front of you and make friends with them if possible so they will help you keep your place, shares Xiao.
Place it on the desk at work in front of you as a constant reminder to sip continuously throughout the day.
Whenever you kill a Trophy monster, you gain the honor part of its reward immediately, and then place the card itself face up in front of you.
Place them in the Tent of Meeting in front of the Testimony, where I meet with you.
Place Louis in front and Brumaire behind, you have the whole destiny of the man, with this significant peculiarity, that the end treads close on the heels of the commencement.
你把路易放在它的前面,雾月放在它的后面,①这人的整个命运便全显现在你面前了。 这里又还有这么一个耐人寻味的特点,那就是开场是被结局紧跟着的。
Says the children's musician: "I've even had performances in which every child in the place was dancing in front of the stage.
Lots of people experience an incredible sense of relief when everything they need to think about is collected in one place in front of them, no matter how big the pile.
Following this approach you can leverage the benefits of using entity lifecycles without making your requirements look too techie" 16 when you place them in front of the business user.
采用这种方式,当你把实体生命周期置于业务用户之前时,你可以就像技师16 一样,在没有做出需求时,平衡使用它们的好处。
There is a place in the world, where there is person, in front of whom you do not need to have a great achievement and a perfect image.
The event took place in front of the barracks and involved displays of ceremonial maneuvers, including those to be used for the royal wedding.
Instead of a director hidden in the shadows, concerts place the conductor in the spotlight, where he shapes (or at least appears to shape) the show in front of our eyes.
The result of such moves would be to place a conspicuous foot in Russia’s front yard.
And the young pop stars couldn't have found a more public place to express their love than at a press conference, in front of the media.
The result of such moves would be to place a conspicuous foot in Russia's front yard.
To display visibility on the class diagram, you place the visibility mark in front of the attribute's or operation's name.
But during the Spring Festival, we will prepare something to sacrifice. For example, we will place some food in front of the name boards of our ancestors.
Another question: Why 's the car out in front of her place? You give the car to her?
I'm also going to start noting down what I have read and when - inspired by a friend who always writes the place and date of the things he reads in the front of the book.
As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.
These operations take place in the context of a transaction on the front side bus.
Think of it! For forty years he had been there in the same place, with his yard in front of him and his class just as it was!
The stoplight in front of the Musas' car turned green, then red, and then green again, but the car remained in place, the engine still rumbling.
These poles were so long that their ends could be seen from the Holy Place in front of the inner sanctuary, but not from outside the Holy Place; and they are still there today.
In the morning of March 23rd, a serious murdering event took place in front of the gate of Experimental Primary School in Nanping City, Fujian Province.
In the morning of March 23rd, a serious murdering event took place in front of the gate of Experimental Primary School in Nanping City, Fujian Province.