At the moment, however, both incidents are merely under early stage examination, rather than being full investigations or actual cases - and could eventually result in no further action being taken.
Zhao may have gotten the role because of her tomboy image in action films such as Red Cliff, but in Mulan, she appears with full makeup and long, glossy fingernails — even as a soldier.
Of course, the Israeli commando action played out in full view of the world.
Our proposing of "no-action" motion is in full accordance with the Rules of Procedure adopted by the ECOSOC.
Her exam took only a matter of seconds, yet she felt as though she were moving in slow motion, that around her the room full of personnel stood frozen in time, awaiting her next action.
The stands are full of spectators enjoying the Olympic action on a glorious summer day with a familiar London landmark resplendent in the background.
The code archive contains the full source for each script we will discuss, and you can see the scripts in action at chaoticneutral.
In the sample database, use the GMan help action or press F1 from any view to see full documentation of the custom classes.
在数据库示例中,使用GMan帮助操作或从任何视图按f 1就可以查看定制类的全部文档。
Now that you've seen WebBrowser in action, take a look at some of the methods in the WebBrowser class that let you create a full-featured browser.
By taking massive action when you are full of energy and by allowing yourself to relax when you are in a state of calm, you respect and honor yourself.
Listing 12 shows the full code for the cityStateLookup action in the file addressadmin_controller.rb.
清单12显示了文件addressadmin_controller . rb中citystatelookup操作的完整代码。
This electric motor working in full under the action of heavy currently.
The code archive for this article contains the full source code for each script we will discuss, and you can see the scripts in action by visiting
This electric motor is working in full under the action of heavy current.
Though it is a R-rated movie in which there are a bit bloody and crude, it is hilarious and full of tons of beautiful action.
Now, we must work together to render it into action and achieve the full participation of women as equal partners in peace.
Volley shot with the full instep which is extensively applied in football matches is an effective technical action for scoring goals.
Your week Ahead: a Full Moon in your sign suggests that whatever develops this week will seem to demand that you take immediate action.
In order to regain spell resistance, the beholder must spend a full-round action to absorb the energy stored in the eye.
There's 10-12 seconds of pixilation in each spot on top of the regular live action, and you'd normally need a full 3 shoot days for that alone.
Full 3d action and gory effects in high detailed graphics perfect for all mobile devices!
In this situation, you can take a standard action or a full attack action as normal.
In this situation, you can take a standard action or a full attack action as normal.