This paper points out the necessity of affirming legal instruments in legal form.
Otherwise the result of abiding by the legal principle of crime and punishment can only be to encroach on citizen's right in legal form.
Most countries has a policy of gender equality in legal form, protection of the rights of women are also scattered in various sectoral laws.
People always will bet. Better that they do so in a legal market-and know the form.
In 2003, the two countries signed the treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation, which fixed the relations between the two countries in the form of a legal document.
One model, used by Chicago-based Baker &McKenzie and others, involves semi-independent national law firms joining in a Verein, a Swiss form of legal union.
No unit or person may illegally restrict or exclude legal persons or other organizations from other areas or systems to take part in bidding or interfere in tender and bid activities in any form.
JOHN GRISHAM, a prolific author of legal thrillers, long refused to allow his books to be sold in electronic form.
The sale of raw milk continues to be legal, in some form or another, in almost half of our states, and the attendant risk of raw milk-related outbreaks therefore also continues to be present.
It is generally accepted that source of law demonstrates legal regulations in form.
Under our country's existing legal environment, SPV faces various problems regardless of whether it is in the form of trust, company or limited partner.
Mental damage compensation means legal liability in the form of property because illegal behavior inflicts mental pain or mental benefit incurrence on civil subjects.
First off, in order to form a legal new expression on a type parameter, such as new T(), it's necessary to make sure that we're calling a constructor that is valid for every instantiation of T.
首先,为了对类型参数构造合法的new表达式(如 newT() ),必须确保我们调用的构造函数对于 T 的每个实例化都有效。
LPKF provides the tools required for the performance. LPKF documents the services performed in an appropriate form, observing the possible legal and other provisions.
The "justness of law" considers that citizen obey the law because the law is legal in the form and content.
So, this text carrys on some discussions to private school in terms of legal organizational form.
Oath taking must comply with the legal requirements in respect of its form and content.
You should have four handouts, everyone should have four handouts, There is legal release form...... we'll talk about it in a minute... about the videoing.
But the practical function of Roman law didn't disappear totally and the legal study continued at medieval schools in a subsidiary form.
Substance over form principle requires enterprises should not be basis of legal form but of economic substance of exchanges in the course of accounting calculation .
In the international legislative level, the international legislation of sovereign wealth funds is still in its infancy, most legislative efforts have not form a formal legal document.
Language could be analyzed by its form, meaning, and function. The fuzziness in the legal text mainly shows in its function and meaning.
The related legal fee question, the Nanjing Intermediate court also the form once more emphasized by "eight prohibition rule" in 2003.
Information that is confidential in nature or is subject to any form of legal protection requires the compulsive nature of the mutual legal assistance process to gain access to it.
Citizens may, in accordance with the law, dispose of their personal legal property in the form of a will.
Citizens may, in accordance with the law, dispose of their personal legal property in the form of a will.