We prioritize those districts which are in less developed areas, or newly established.
Both theory and practice are proving that to create learning town in less developed areas is not only necessary, but also feasible.
Under increasing returns, factors flow can improve its return rate in those developed areas while reduce it in less developed areas.
This paper, combining with the practice work of Dezhou University, elaborates some ways to enhance practice teaching quality in less developed areas.
The future of Wenzhou will now lie in providing services to these less developed areas, argues one button and zipper factory owner.
The poll used telephone surveys in more affluent areas, and door-to-door interviews in rural or less-developed regions.
Hostels and budget accommodation therefore is perhaps another similar sector to that of holiday rentals in that the big money is only being channelled into less developed areas of the industry.
Access to sports facilities also remains a bottleneck in some remote and less-developed areas.
More importantly, we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them.
At present the rural area old people security condition is not best in the less developed areas.
In China, private finance is very active in many developed or less developed areas.
This paper makes discussion on digitalized construction of minor public libraries in less-developed inland areas from aspects of the provision of hardware and software and personnel training, etc.
China a will set up a hierarchical medical system to improve services at county - and township-level health centers, especially in less-developed areas.
RTI prevention campaign should pay more attention on women who live in less developed rural areas with poor sanitation, the older with poor hygiene habit and less educated.
RTI prevention campaign should pay more attention on women who live in less developed rural areas with poor sanitation, the older with poor hygiene habit and less educated.