I am going to visit my grandparents in my home village.
But my grandparents did something in their otherwise typical suburban home that was always something of a mystery to me.
On the way home from Texas I stopped in Hope to see Buddy and Ollie and visit the graves of my father and grandparents.
But my parents shipped me off to my grandparents' house in Oregon over spring vacation, somehow suspecting that if I was left at home unattended, I would wreak havoc.
My Grandparents lived in a small home, but had a huge garden.
My grandparents avoided lifestyle creepy by paying for their own home in cash and building it themselves.
I'm a happy girl. At home, my grandparents love me very much. Because my parents are working in Guangzhou, my grandparents give me endless love.
Thee thirty in the morning, my mom and dad with our "secret" happily came to my grandparents' house, SEC. Uncle already waiting for us at home.
So, we held a memorial ceremony for my grandparents at home, then left for the World Flower grand Garden located in Fengtai District.
So, we held a memorial ceremony for my grandparents at home, then left for the World Flower grand Garden located in Fengtai District.