A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their efficacy, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.
最近的一项研究表明,尽管人们普遍相信维生素E补充剂的功效,但在延缓退行性疾病发病方面,维生素 E 补充剂并不比糖丸效果更好。
No, it is better to fry you in a pan!
(Applause.) I am pleased that Japan has joined us in this effort, for no two nations on Earth know better what these weapons can do, and together we must seek a future without them.
"We're sorry, you deserved so much better," Brown writes in a statement posted on the No 10 website.
But in the end, he seems to have decided that a bad deal was better for Zimbabwe's wretched people than no deal at all.
But if things go in a better direction, then they'll say, 'There's no need because everything seems to function'.
But in this recession, having a tarnished brand is better than having no brand at all.
Since we want to get a better understanding of the world, there's no use in clinging to our beliefs because they're more familiar and comfortable to us.
Neighbours who have no reason to know each other will need to convene and collaborate in order to get a new school or better policing.
Recent increases to 67 or 68 are doing no more than compensate for the likely rise in life expectancy: 70 would be a better figure.
"In great crises there is no better companion than a bold heart" (clxvii).
There's no better place to have a conversation than over a cup of coffee -- and the management teams at Kimberly-Clark offices in Central America get that.
如果能边喝咖啡边交谈那真是再好不过了。 对此,金佰利(Kimberly-Clark)中美洲公司的管理团队就深有体会。
Even better, in recent JVMs, the performance cost of uncontended synchronization (when no thread attempts to acquire a lock when another thread already holds it) is quite modest.
不过现在好了一点,在最近的JVM 中,没有争用的同步(一个线程拥有锁的时候,没有其他线程企图获得锁)的性能成本还是很低的。
In the end, and under some pressure, he appears to have felt that a bad deal was better for his wretched compatriots than no deal at all.
Watson has many potential applications in medicine, law, science, and other fields, but its prospects for a career in television are no better than Brad Rutter’s.
Real power for the first time in the better part of a century is no small bauble.
When faced with these potential consequences, the same job in a new environment may be better than no job at all.
The infallible traders of the first quarter turned out to be no better than the average investor at making a profit in a volatile and unpredictable market.
I’m no guru in making the world a better place but there’s obviously something we can learn from Michael ‘Dolphin’ Phelps and his hard work.
In 1999 he answered “no” to the charge that rising exam results were a sign of less exacting exams rather than of better teaching.
No matter the topic, these conversations usually have two things in common: first, the group has a homogenous opinion on the topic at hand, and second, no one is aiming for better understanding.
They might be in a different place to you, but they’re no better.
We are no longer a small startup, but a 140-person strong organization that must do everything in its power to bring better technology to the enterprise.
Of course, no one ever believed in such a paradox. It was a polite way of telling politicians that the country could do even better if they kept their hands out of the till.
"We don't try to lock our users in any way," said Hammer-Lahav. "We want them to have a better Web experience no matter what site they are on, just by being a Yahoo user."
And, as GE proved in 1955, there was no better way to advertise a new invention than by dangling it off the ears of a pretty lady.
But a better approach is to adopt a no-fault system, as has been tried here in New Zealand since 1974.
But a better approach is to adopt a no-fault system, as has been tried here in New Zealand since 1974.