Under the circumstances, a risk-averse investor, might -- instead of sitting totally in cash on the sidelines -- start building a position or two in some of the soundest of these companies.
But courts may allow plaintiffs who were harmed under similar circumstances by the same person or company to join together in a common class of litigants to pursue their lawsuit.
But outside of Moscow, where the KGB hand was heaviest, Stone said he believes a beleaguered class of professionals was often doing its best in good faith under difficult or impossible circumstances.
The trachea in some patients is difficult or impossible to intubate under any circumstances.
Under normal circumstances, the product is often shipped in bulk or in the form of non tags shipped to the warehouse, so this inventory is basically no difference.
I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.
But under certain circumstances may be paid by the buyer to the seller or his agent, such as purchase of Marketable products, often in such a situation.
Waivers. Waivers or exceptions to the Code may only be granted in advance and only under exceptional circumstances.
The discharge line must not be restricted or reduced in size under any circumstances.
Experimental results show that the tracking system can effectively update the object model under the circumstances of severe occlusion or appearance change, and achieve object tracking in time.
Under what circumstances could the term of foreign experts' stay in China be curtailed or the status of residence in China be cancelled?
The judges shall make correct judgement in connection with bidding documents that are under any of the above circumstances when carrying out compliance inspections or reviews of such documents.
The discharge line must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the relief valve and the discharge line. The discharge line must not be restricted or reduced in size under any circumstances.
Article 33 an arbitrator shall withdraw, and the parties also have the right to apply orally or in writing for his withdrawal, under one of the following circumstances.
Article 28 Under any of the following circumstances, an arbitrator shall withdraw, and the parties shall also have the right to apply in writing or orally for his withdrawal.
Under normal circumstances, they are sealed in a fixed state, but in exceptional circumstances, the proto-oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes are activated is lost, people will suffer from cancer.
In circumstances which cannot be ignored or avoided, daily occurrences right under people's nose are likely to be borrowed, from the Angle of sociology, for the use of creative work.
The results indicate that FBG is unparalleled in strain measurement under special circumstances or structure. The fifth part is the most important point of this paper.
Under no circumstances will a make up schedule be offered in the event of a number 8 signal or above typhoon and black rainstorm.
In the context, families may gradually enter the cities, take root there, or they may return: passively drifting and learning to live under all circumstances.
This summary is intended only for the person to whom it has been distributed or redistributed in whole or in part nor may its contents be disclosed to any other person under any circumstances.
The nerve cells in the cerebral cortex has a very high tolerance, under normal circumstances is not likely to cause nervous breakdown or failure.
Under the circumstances the main prerequisites for China's victory over Japan are nation-wide unity and all-round progress on a scale ten or even a hundred times greater than in the past.
Under the circumstances the main prerequisites for China's victory over Japan are nation-wide unity and all-round progress on a scale ten or even a hundred times greater than in the past.