Is assert in privation function redundant if check has already been made by the calling public function?
In the stress of privation and the need of effort I might sometimes forget the sombre secret ever baffling the conjecture that it compels.
This is precisely how most people view their food choices - as unhealthy indulgence or unbearable privation - with little grey area in-between.
Extreme privation did not prevent tens of thousands of defiant supporters in Gaza this week from celebrating Hamas's founding.
Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, and people still smile in the street.
Privation of necessary information proves to be a general phenomenon in the analysis of reliability of existing structures, which calls for the exploration of various information resources.
I knew that you went out from home in America because of a privation of high conduct.
That money was from a chest of gold COINS that her father had put together ova an entire life of privation and that she had buried underneath her bed in hopes of a proper occasion to make use of it.
These exploratory efforts help pave a way in solving information privation that occurs in the reliability analysis of existing structures.
These exploratory efforts help pave a way in solving information privation that occurs in the reliability analysis of existing structures.