Roses grew in profusion against the old wall.
He makes promises in profusion, but never realizes them.
There were books in profusion and magazines and newspapers.
And in the grounds around gardens, bowers, fountains and shady nooks in profusion.
That year, under the bodhi tree, butterfly Fallen petals lie in profusion. flickering.
There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer; flowers grow there in profusion.
The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gams in profusion.
Fallen petals lie in profusion. Season, you said that you start thinking about a person, and that person is me.
So stars can be born in profusion when a shockwave passes through rich, fertile clouds—but not when it passes through emptier space.
The flakes fell in profusion upon the ugly brown plain until at last there was only a vast white expanse like a cloud beneath our wheels.
There are also few, if any, of the kind of special funds that, at places like Yale, are available in profusion: travel stipends, research fellowships, performance grants.
Where the appointments of luxury are in profusion, and frivolity tarnishes both day and night, this love is degraded, and woman's nature finds not the joy of its perfection.
But I no longer feel in myself the same unbounded profusion of ready contrivance.
When recording started, the songs had come in such profusion that, famously, The White Album had thirty of them – enough for two high-class musicals.
An abundance of fish, for example, is not always a sign of health in a fishery: the profusion of one species may simply be a temporary consequence of the depletion of its predators.
SOMEWHERE or other Byron makes use of the French word longeur, and remarks in passing that though in England we happen not to have the word, we have the thing in considerable profusion.
Even some in the industry are nervous about the profusion of new vehicles.
In the foreground are the digital SLRs and full-size video cameras of the professional media. But in the background there is a profusion of smaller devices.
No, we conservatives must accept that the profusion of ever more beautiful handheld devices is not, in the long run, going to do wonders for the old art of writing a letter.
The farm grows a glorious profusion of select vegetables, herbs, and flowers around an old red barn that is covered in Grandpa Ott's stunningly deep purple morning glory blossoms.
I have not come across much of golden pollen in her lotus bank, but have nothing to complain of as regards the profusion of the sweet savour of good-fellowship.
Other wonders include a profusion of epiphytes (air plants) and rare orchids. The teddy bear-faced olinguito was identified here in 2013 as the newest mammal species in the Americas.
The financial cataclysm of 2008 and ensuing global recession has resulted in a profusion of books dissecting the role of global investment Banks including Goldman Sachs.
But as long as they exist in their current profusion, the shadow Banks also neutralise the regulators' former capacity to order the big state Banks to launch another low-interest credit splurge.
The profusion of colours in the world around us very much exceeds the individual colours seen in the visible spectrum .
The profusion of colours in the world around us very much exceeds the individual colours seen in the visible spectrum .