Finally, in recognition of their contributions towards the Eclipse ecosystem, the following Eclipse Awards were announced.
The name "Selkirk" is in recognition of their Grandfather's heritage. This Scottish borde town was the ancestral home of the Willson family.
The move is part of their efforts to give emerging economic powers more say in the IMF, in recognition of their growing influence in the world economy.
The reconnection of the Fu Gui and his parents marked the first case in China for a missing child and their family to be matched with the help of facial recognition technology.
A: the measures adopted by China in tackling climate change and their effects have won global recognition. The efforts made by China in many ways exceed those of developed countries.
Taking a page from Officer Alex Murphy, police officers in Brazil will soon be adding a layer of cyborg tech to their law enforcement toolbox via glasses rigged with facial recognition tech.
Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara's capabilities that build value in the company.
Retail and other companies continue to expand their online presence and websites in recognition of the growing share of their business and sales that is conducted online.
Edwards Deming in management mythology as one of the two Americans who, unappreciated in their own fast-food country for their ideas about quality, had been compelled to go abroad to find recognition.
"What is needed is some recognition that the importance of parental involvement in their children's reading habits does not decrease just because they enter school," the report concludes.
Their reply is that their Father has received many public honors in his life. The children wanted Mother to have a special recognition of her own.
Not only did this give women the opportunity to provide essential help in a time of crisis, but it also helped them gain recognition as a valuable asset to their country.
In recognition of labor and respect laborer, on the basis of we are likely to create their own new moral.
Those with an exceptional achievement in their chosen field will be at the top of their profession, be recognised beyond their field of expertise and have obtained international recognition.
Through our discussing of above three aspects, we could find that the recognition which photography had gained in western is close to their practices.
Specifically, to allow employees to participate in the establishment of performance evaluation indicators, and participate in performance evaluation, in order to increase their recognition.
Studies in the field of their molecular recognition, supramolecular catalysis and molecular assembly have been widely carried out.
In this article we will review the research progress in the structure of these receptors, their recognition and signal transduction mechanisms.
The happiness of success is that time and time again on their own recognition, not in a long time to meet the completion of a certain thing.
In this paper, some intelligent optimization control technologies, such as pattern recognition, neural network and expert system, and their application on the process of oil making are discussed.
To recognise alumni, under the ages of 40, whose endeavours in their chosen fields or professions are worthy of recognition and have brought honour to the University.
In recognition of the contribution skilled spouses and long term partners can make to the UK economy given their ability to work here.
They gain recognition of the society and academic reputation through publishing works with awards so that they could achieve higher level of sense of achievement in their life of academy.
The fact that women have no chair of alternatives in terms of their own business still remains in wide recognition.
The fact that women have no chair of alternatives in terms of their own business still remains in wide recognition.