Phoenix landed in the far north of Mars and has used its sophisticated laboratory to search for signs that past life might have been possible.
And from the moment he arrived in Hamburg, his life turned into a cat-and-mouse game of sneaking from one north European city to another, in search of rapid presses and nimble protectors.
Cod and haddock are just two of the north sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters.
The 23-year-old's father, Thomas, had previously revealed that the young Dane wishes to make a move away from the north London club in search of regular football.
Scores were driven to the Windows of the north tower in search of relief.
Thus this paper is an instructive search for mastering the evolvement law of precipitation in north China.
The annual voyage of some species, which fly north in search of food and suitable climes, could increase by as much as 400 kilometres (250 miles), the research found.
Some years ago, off North Carolina's Cape Hatteras, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took part in a search for the sunken Civil War ironclad Monitor.
A judge is denying bond for the 61-year-old man accused of kidnapping missing hiker Meredith Hope Emerson. Meantime, authorities continue to search for her in the North Georgia mountains.
A judge is denying bond for the 61-year-old man accused of kidnapping missing hiker Meredith Hope Emerson. Meantime, authorities continue to search for her in the North Georgia mountains.