On days like this I love to find a place where silence rules, where the wind in the tall 1 pine trees sounds like ocean waves crashing along some deserted beach I've walked along in my memory.
Quiet and seemingly removed, my husband demonstrated that love can be given in silence and adoration in stillness; it is the sheer presence that counts.
On days like this I love to find a place where silence rules, where the wind in the tall pine trees sounds like ocean waves crashing along some deserted beach I've walked along in my memory.
In some people's eyes love is just a gust of wind, a static quiet, in some people's eyes love is a volcano, silence is for the more violent eruption.
It was a simple shot in Hamburg 2008. I love this picture because there is so much silence in it. Nevertheless, a beautiful living animal in its own empire.
When curtain coming down, everything is in silence. Warm stream is still in heart, stronger and stronger. So we believe, time or space, never apart, the pure love….
The saddest thing in the world is that we fall in love with each other but we miss each other because of silence.
Love compassion generosity strength. When what is inside one's heart can be seen - in actions in saying and even in our silence... That is true beauty.
It was a simple shot in Hamburg 2008. I love this picture because there is so much silence in it.
On days like this I love to find a place where silence rules, where the wind in the tall 1)pine trees sounds like ocean waves crashing along some deserted beach I've walked along in my memory.
On days like this I love to go where silence rules and the wind in the tall pine trees sounds like ocean waves along some silent beach I've walked along in my memory.
And how will I confront each whom I meet? In only one way. In silence and to myself I will address him and say I Love You.
To-night there is a stir among the palm leaves, a swell in the sea, Full Moon, from what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love?
Stary Birds 今晚,棕榈树叶沙沙作响,大海浪涛滚滚,满月呵,你是从哪个未知苍穹默默带来了这般爱的伤痛秘密?
To-night there is a stir among the palm leaves, a swell in the sea, Full Moon, from what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love?
Stary Birds 今晚,棕榈树叶沙沙作响,大海浪涛滚滚,满月呵,你是从哪个未知苍穹默默带来了这般爱的伤痛秘密?