This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.
We have seen your advertisement in the Textile journal and should be glad if you would send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goods available from stock..
We would rather cut down the price than keep a large quantity of goods in stock.
We stock our goods in this warehouse.
Improve in-store operations: You can reduce out-of-stock and "shrinkage" scenarios through container, pallet or item level tracking of consumer goods by providing a near real-time visibility.
Work for both projects goods, safety stock and fixed asset stored in warehouse.
We also prepare a Stock Control Sheet showing the dates of in and out, quantities and serial numbers of goods.
We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.
Sales orders can be displayed for information purposes only; they do not affect production quantities. Goods are sold from stock in this strategy.
Because of the customer's willingness to shop around, an individual supplier may stock goods or offer services in only a few outlets in a given market area.
As the goods you ordered afe now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible.
Special bonded warehouses include liquid dangerous goods in bonded warehouses, bonded warehouses of stock, consignment and maintenance of bonded warehouse and other special bonded warehouses.
All stock of Products shall be stored by Recipient separate and apart from other goods in a separate room, part of room or other part of its premises.
The quantity of goods and materials on hand (in stock).
We stock our goods in this warehouse.
The goods ordered are all in stock and we assure you that the first steamer will make the shipment available in November.
In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods.
Could you pleasestartproduction ASAPasit takesalong time for goods to arrive here, andI do not wanna run low in stock.
You know what? I really need to go far. I have to stock in Guangzhou, the goods are selling out soon.
The applied condition of definite goods in stock is the amount of demand, the amount of stock and delayed-action goods.
Well, the first is this figure here in the stock valuation. This figure is for paint. I suppose you have this paint in stock. It's listed as goods paid for, but I can find no record of payment.
As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them as early as possible.
For the suppliers of a commodity supply interruption, same kind of PB goods can be in a certain extent, reduce because of the loss of stock losses that customers.
Inventory is a list for goods and materials, or those goods and materials themselves, held available in stock by a business.
Receivable account is a kind of claimable income by selling goods in stock on credit, through which enterprises can promote their market share and increase profit.
If the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock can be entered during goods receipt.
If the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.
If the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.