The total stock, or "supply," or quantity of money in any area or society at any given time is simply the sum total of all the ounces of gold, or units of money, in that particular society or region.
Your true potential is enhanced by the sum of all the people who like you, and thus would go out of their way to assist you in a time of need.
And since time is quantified in hours, the value of our lives is equivalent to the sum of every hour we spend.
Unlike elapsed time, in case of a declare cursor statement the CPU time is the sum of open, all fetched and close.
At that time, due to my over-trust in one of my best friends, I lent her a large sum of money without realizing that she was cheating me. Finally she vanished with all the money.
那时候我由于相信另一位和我非常要好的朋友,借了些钱给她, 可是怎么也料不到她是骗我的,到最后连人带钱都消失无踪.
The lost sum was larger than the bank's total market capitalization, and at the time the biggest such fraud in history.
To sum up, we can see that the people involved are interested in finding a solution, even though it might take some time to implement and agree on one.
Selling your website could be your last resource, but it has the potential to generate a big sum of money in a short period of time.
Sum-factors reduces the list one element at a time, using the function (in this case, +) supplied as the first parameter on each element.
sum - factors一次减少一个列表元素,它使用函数(本例中,是+)作为每个元素的第一个参数。
The production costs came in at $2, 777, 000 – a vast sum for the time. On initial release, the film only earned $3m.
In 1922, the railroad labor board announced that wages for railroad shop workers would be cut by seven cents - a considerable sum at the time.
The actual elapsed clock time will be greater than the sum of the Startup time column shown in the Activated Plugins view.
实际上消耗的时钟时间将会比activated Plugins视图中显示的Startuptime列的和要多。
To sum up, if in the early stage, to find a cure, a one-time cure, no recurrence of distress, treatment costs are relatively small.
In sum, university students should not waste their time and energy to doing business.
Deliberate September—in its own time and tempo—begins to sum up another summer.
In the 17th century the French philosopher said: "Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)". We can see, consciousness has been a philosophy topic for a long time.
You should sum up your experience in time, and make necessary adjustments.
To sum up, the stars should be responsible when doing the advertisement and in the mean time, the consumers should be careful when shopping.
To sum up, time, like water in sponge, can be squeezed out if we like.
In earthquake process, average strain rate of the research block is equal to the sum of all seismic moment tensors of the earthquakes taking place in unit time and physical volume.
Learning experience sum-up meeting let you answer the skills of rapid improvement in every time, so do questions was constant sum up your cause of error and then destroyed, so you would be progress.
Predict at the appointed time 15% what the civil aircraft amount that China enlists in army will hold sum total of global aircraft group, and this one scale is now 9%.
Predict at the appointed time 15% what the civil aircraft amount that China enlists in army will hold sum total of global aircraft group, and this one scale is now 9%.