In terms of learning, I am convinced that it's better late than never.
Third, doing sports is beneficial for us in terms of learning how to cooperate.
I not good at English, because it is very difficult for me in terms of learning English.
To distinguish the numerous near-synonyms is always a focal point in terms of learning Chinese.
There is difference between language learning and language acquisition in terms of learning results.
Not every project gets a clean SLATE at the end, which is a great equalizer in terms of learning to write maintainable code.
These poor folks usually have to start all over again from scratch in terms of learning how to ski even the bunny hills.
Learning experience of this period of time lays a more solid foundation for me in terms of learning piano performance in the future.
There is difference between modern distance teaching and traditional teaching in terms of learning environment and teaching activity.
The easiest option to handle XML, at least in terms of learning new programming techniques, is to treat it like any other piece of text returned from a server.
When you think about what you are doing in terms of learning and improving, accepting that you may make some mistakes along the way and you stay motivated despite the setbacks that might occur.
In terms of machine learning, we had to give the machines good audiovisual material with real emotions and expressions.
The internal transformational work is so vital and far too many spiritual entrepreneurs are just so easily satisfied in terms of their personal growth and learning.
Early in 2009, we weren't achieving these kinds of durations that we're seeing now "; the "steep process operator learning curve has benefited us tremendously in terms of the stability.
Too often, people think about us purely in terms of technology, when this is about culture, high tech and learning.
Failure is a learning experience. From success you get nothing in terms of development.
Are they learning fast enough and broadly enough, in terms of engineering and technology like fluid dynamics, electronics, stealth to be able to keep up with the state of the art?
Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established.
The younger yuppies tend to look at education and the future in terms of the dollar: the "trade school" approach to learning.
my discussion of behaviors in terms of the three main learning principles that they argue can explain all of human mental life, all of human behavior.
In recent years, some cities have undertaken bold probe and practice in terms of running cities, and have found out some good idea and experience, deserving spreading and learning.
Sarah: I really think that learning English can bring a lot of new opportunities, in terms of work and personal life experience.
This paper discusses the affective causes of fossilization in terms of motivation, attitude, anxiety and empathy in foreign language learning.
When... in terms of actual results, don't you agree that the latter is a better way of learning?
This result is discussed in terms of the nature of vocabulary knowledge acquisition and the effect of different ways of learning on the outcome.
This result is discussed in terms of the nature of vocabulary knowledge acquisition and the effect of different ways of learning on the outcome.