Having one's own bedroom even as an infant, fixes in a person the notion that she is entitled to a place of her own where she can be by herself, and keep her possessions.
One interesting thing I read about Franzten is that when she first moved back to Iowa after living abroad, she often visited this place in her town called the Sales Barn.
我读到的关于Franzten 的一件有趣的事情是,当她在国外生活后第一次搬回爱荷华州的时候,她经常去她家乡的一个叫做SalesBarn 的地方。
But the pain that he'd caused could not be erased by a hug, even in this place, and she looked away.
She said: "I'm still a bad girl." I still have that side of me, it's just in its place now. It belongs to Brad or our adventures.
In a March version of that talk she wrote, when aliens arrive “we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject.
Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.
She’s living in that place out of fear that she won’t be able to control herself.
Christa Carone, chief marketing officer at Xerox (XRX), recites a quote to that effect: "Work is no longer a place; it's a state of mind, " she says in an email.
The minor collision took place at around 10pm on July 3 last year as she returned from visiting people made homeless by a fire in a towerblock that killed six people.
It is helpful to first step into the younger you, the you who was directly in the middle of the event - feel what he felt, think what she thought, and answer the questions from that mental place.
But my one great hope is that my daughter will always trust me enough to throw it - and that in her growing heart she will see the world as a place where more eggs are caught than broken.
Every week or every two weeks, you should meet your partner to ask about her condition and how well she goes in that place.
It's extremely important for a woman with bipolar disorder to have a plan in place with her family and her doctors in the event that she does become psychotic, says Spinelli.
Always love her in whatever she does in that place.
My daughter chose to make a reading corner in her bedroom (modeled after my own reading area), so that she has a quiet place to go to when she wants to read.
"Any identity that's important to you, if you feel it's threatened, you're going to engage in behavior that will reinstate your place in that group," she says.
His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son." You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place.
She began to tell me in detail about rescue efforts that were taking place in the region, work that she was participating in, or would have liked to take part in, or had observed at a distance.
Researchers found that when you deindividuate a person--or place the person in a situation where he or she doesn't have an individual identity--aggressive attitudes are amplified.
In the drop-in centre where I meet her, she looks decidedly out of place next to the dusty, weary figures that are slumped beside her.
There is currently no cure, "she notes," but there's no doubt in my mind that any new information, drugs, and treatment is going to come out of this place [Dana-Farber].
She notes that some mastaba (early non-pyramid tomb) walls in Giza and Saqqara were actually inscribed with "curses" meant to terrify those who would desecrate or rob the royal resting place.
With this hypothesis in mind, she reckoned that another way to treat phantom-limb pain might be to prevent pain memories from forming in the first place.
When Ginni Thomas tells a cheering crowd of Virginia Tea Partiers that "we are ruled by an elite that thinks it knows better than we know," who, or what, does she want to put in its place?
"And then," said she, "if that very improbable event should ever take place, I shall merely be able to tell what Bingley may tell in a much more agreeable manner himself."
She gave no details of the accusations. She said that as far as she knew they related to alleged incidents that took place in Sweden.
She admits that she was not talented in singing or dancing, but she has been learning all the way in the competition and have sealed a place in the finals.
Place your reader in that setting. Make your reader feel as though he or she is there and experiencing what you experienced.
The great thing about Ada Ida is that she accepts everything you say, nothing surprises her, any subject you bring up, she'll go on with it, as if it had been her idea in the first place.
The great thing about Ada Ida is that she accepts everything you say, nothing surprises her, any subject you bring up, she'll go on with it, as if it had been her idea in the first place.