Those who have attained Bodhisattva and are gifted at bathing others in the breath of life remind others that everything one needs comes from within.
Parents and teachers will tell you not to worry when applying for a place at university, but in the same breath will remind you that it is the most important decision of your life.
Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath.
On the sandy floor of a popular Sydney beach, a girl floats in a prone position, her life held in a breath of air.
For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind.
All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.
For them the carefully filtered, aerated wateroffers the breath of life, whereas their natural homes—streams andrivers in the southeastern United States—are choked by dams and cloudedwith pollutants.
In the Book of Genesis, God commands Noah to built the massive vessel and bring "every sort [of animal]... male and female... everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life."
In every breath experienced in the place of you in my heart, you for me, just like my life cannot leave air.
When my turn came, I held the puppy in my arms, I took a deep breath, and I told the class about the life and death of Sam.
With the spray flying off their figure, in the sunlight, bathing the breath of life.
The way of the warrior: to know life is in every breath, every cup of tea, every life we take!
Before that, in that time you are shown the entire action of your life in a panorama, showing from the first breath to that second.
You are in my life the most beautiful encounter, despite the breath of the same sky, but can not hold you.
Transcendent One: I am that which walks with all life. My voice is a death rattle, a last breath in the throat, the whisper of a dying man.
For the first time, I am grateful for each breath in and out-grateful for the gift of life itself.
In a moment of life can meet you, actually spend all the strength. It was only on this day that there was a breath of air.
And live here in every moment of breath as the living word as you as all as one as equal of life.
This product whole dignified and easy, showily beauty, which is characteristic of Chinese culture breath, and enhance the people's spiritual life, let people in material, spiritual life better.
This product whole dignified and easy, showily beauty, which is characteristic of Chinese culture breath, and enhance the people's spiritual life, let people in the material and spiritual life better.
All in whose nostrils was the breath of life.
The sum total of our life is every breath spent in the company of the Beloved.
Went in to Noe into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein was the breath of life.
There did not seem to be a breath of life in the man taken from the water.
Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
But Snow was brought back to life in Sunday night's episode by the sorceress Melisandre, opening his eyes and taking a giant breath of air just before the credits started rolling.
Moreover, original dimension of Hechun street should be retain, in order to create a rich life breath, thriving commercial picture, and awaken people to the emotional identification river lip street.
Moreover, original dimension of Hechun street should be retain, in order to create a rich life breath, thriving commercial picture, and awaken people to the emotional identification river lip street.