Under Entry, click the Report Properties link, under Prompt values, click Communicate with other portlets, select portlets using channel, and then in the box below that setting, type PromptChannel.
在Entry下,单击ReportProperties链接,在Promptvalues中单击Communicatewith o therportlets,选择portletsusingchannel,然后在该设置下面的文本框中输入PromptChannel。
Gift packed in a gift box of the human mind Kai channel between the architecture, people between the mind and the soul of the close, the same rational judgments.
The channel, Home Box Office's high definition "HBO HDTV, " features blockbuster Hollywood films and original movies from HBO in high definition format and airs on DIRECTV(r) 24 hours daily.
It was the first cable channel to specialise in films-the initials stand for "Home Box Office" -and the first channel to be delivered via satellite.
In this paper, the structures, structural systems, structural details, structural calculations and coating schemes of the steel box girders of both the south and north channel Bridges are dealt with.
The above analysis disclosed that the wireless market in terms of distribution, while also vowed to "channel leasing" and MSN dialog box embedded in the way advertising profits.
Automatic softening system mainly consists of multiple valve, controller, resin tank, salt box composition, multi-channel valve is in the same body design have multiple pathways of valve.
Automatic softening system mainly consists of multiple valve, controller, resin tank, salt box composition, multi-channel valve is in the same body design have multiple pathways of valve.