The doctrine of precedent has an important status in the common law system.
One of the tort forms of the law of tort in the common law system is nuisance.
The unenforceable contract system in the common law has much in common with the natural obligation system.
The writ system stipulated the form of action, which formed the principle of procedures preceding right in the common law.
Legal English is a special mode of expression and a norm developed by a long practice of judicature in the common law countries.
In the Common Law System countries, there is the Hearsay Rule, which is very similar to the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.
The auxiliary police system is very popular in the common law countries, playing an irreplaceable role in maintaining the local order.
How to collect evidence in international commercial arbitration is traditionally different in the common law system and the civil law system.
The agency for an unnamed problem derived from England exists for a long time and is becoming more and more consummate in the Common Law system.
Part iv discusses the practice in the existing legal mechanisms of substance justice consummating formal justice in adjudgement in the common law and civil law system.
The theory and rules of admissibility and the case law of expert evidence in the US indicate the trend of development of expert evidence system in the common law system.
The punitive damages system has its special value and effect as being a widely adopted system in the civil prejudication of the damage and compensation in the common law system.
It is not appropriate to build or transplant this system in China, and what should we do is that our expert examiner system should be improved by learning from expert witness system in the common law.
Enhancing the party's onus probandi has been the common understanding of the law and judicial circle in our country.
The garrote very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion.
This concept of decided cases as a source of law is often referred to as the common law system, which must be contrasted with the civil law system developed in continental Europe.
During his reign, a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons.
Such a bill could not abolish rights found in the European convention (and common law precedent already protects family life and privacy).
The common law was also quite ingenious in devising forms of common or joint ownership, with subtle technical differences between them.
Law enforcers on the west coast of the US and in the middle states straddled by the foothills of the Appalachian mountains are reporting a common trend.
In some countries, such as Turkey and Mexico, the law is based on the French Napoleonic model where secured creditors may not collect as much as in common-law countries.
That is why speeding violations, in particular, are the most common breaches of the law known to man-and, for similar reasons, why traffic jams are a daily occurrence.
The common law was ingenious in carving up rights to land into various complex segments called "estates".
Under Roman law in the first centuries of the Common Era, there were proper opportunities for divorce and the dissolution of a marital union for both parties.
Since it has been expressively stipulated in the<<Common Law>>on the Board of Supervisors, then the company should take up strengthening the supervision function of the Board of Supervisors.
Common sense, logic and the trend in the law supports this decision.
The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.
The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.