One of the major producers of athletic footwear, with 2002 sales of over $10 billion, is a company called Nike, with corporate headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.
Later on in the early years of the nineteenth century, when Fort Vancouver became the headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company, deer populations continued to fluctuate.
The private company now employs about 20, 000 people, and owns a golf course and hotel near its headquarters in Hebei province, where a new research campus is under construction.
这家私营公司目前有约20 000名员工,并在其河北省的总部附近拥有一个高尔夫球场及一家宾馆,同时一个新的研究中心正在河北境内兴建中。
The manufacturing methods Shi used to get the company off the ground can still be seen in the factory, which is accessible through doors at the back of the headquarters building.
The privately-held company is active in more than 100 countries, with headquarters in Haarlem, the Netherlands, and New York, USA.
The senior managerial personnel of the branch of a foreign insurance company shall have the qualifications equal to those required for the counterparts in the headquarters of an insurance company.
Far away from Africa, in the central U.S. state of Indiana, in the city of Columbus, a representative for the Cummins engine-making company gives a tour of headquarters.
That law will remain in effect regardless of who owns the company, and BHP Billiton has already promised to keep its global headquarters for potash in the province.
Hicks says that in the eight years that the North American headquarters business has been active, it has gone from a company employing 20 people to 290.
Fiat (whose chairman, John Elkann, is a director of The Economist’s parent company) has not decided whether the combined group’s headquarters will be in Turin or Detroit.
The headquarters of the company will remain in Herzogenaurach, a tiny town in southern Germany.
The new company would have headquarters in Frankfurt and New York.
The Company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland, where their headquarters are still located today.
Baby photos now dot the worktables at its Palo Alto headquarters. Chefs provide free gourmet fare in the company cafeteria.
Tom Serani's boss had grown frustrated that while Mr. Serani was on the road, his 20 salespeople working the phones back at company headquarters did not have the same zip as when he was in the office.
In a press release issued Wednesday, the company took pains to explain exactly what data it is and isn't recording and transmitting back to headquarters.
From its headquarters at Jasmin House, Ayscough Street in Grimsby the company now employs 11 people.
Both companies had their headquarters about three miles apart in Maryland both companies were in aerospace business, CEO and ironically, both companies' CEOs have been trained at the Martin Company.
Nikon is not shipping standalone EUV tools. Instead, the company has devised two R&D tools, including one within its headquarters in Japan and another at Japanese R&D organization Selete.
The 25th-floor executive suite at Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, from which Kent, 57, runs the company, resembles the oversized living room of a new-South mansion.
Sitting across from me now in his comfortable office on the 30th floor of company headquarters in lower Manhattan, Goldman's CEO Lloyd Blankfein professes to be more bemused than hurt by the slurs.
在曼哈顿下城高盛总部大楼30层的舒适办公室,高盛首席执行长布兰克·费恩(lloyd Blankfein)坐在我对面说,他对这些非议更多的是感到困惑而不是受伤。
Dear Annie: I work at the headquarters of a Fortune 500 company in a major city.
The Company headquarters is in Mumbai of India with offices in Sharjah-UAE, Shanghai of China and USA.
In the Sloan model, a company's thinking and ultimate advantage comes from the company command center (its headquarters).
Toyota is the company headquarters in Aichi, Japan held an annual general meeting of shareholders.
In 2000 the company set up 08 months, headquarters is located in Changsha National Software Industry base.
In three one the headquarters of the company, with its leader born value system, set up to emphasize the culture.
In 1994 ABB China headquarters to Beijing and officially registered in 1995, the investment holding company-ABB (China) Limited.
1994年abb将中国总部迁至北京,并在1995年正式注册了投资性控股公司- ABB(中国)有限公司。
In 1994 ABB China headquarters to Beijing and officially registered in 1995, the investment holding company-ABB (China) Limited.
1994年abb将中国总部迁至北京,并在1995年正式注册了投资性控股公司- ABB(中国)有限公司。