In the construction of drainage water is a new task.
The answer lies in the construction of a process model of appraisal .
Indeed, they play an important role in the construction of cities in China today.
Bout 90% of the bugs have been in the construction of the right URIs for the server.
What were the advantages that these materials offered in the construction of the project?
Lotus Notes also provided templates that assisted you in the construction of custom applications.
Neolithic engineers may have used ball bearings in the construction of Stonehenge, it was claimed today.
He also encouraged both sides to explore new cooperation ways in the construction of networks, railway and ports.
These Rules are made to help you to do your share in the construction of a fun and positive environment for Meme.
The decline in the construction of new housing has been partially offset by work on public-sector and infrastructure projects.
The next step in the construction of a RepoItem (in this case, Content) is the addition of item properties to the RepoItem.
For instance, a common problem is to push XML parsing technologies used in the construction of views into the business layer.
In some rural Settings, such as those found in places like Vietnam, bamboo is used in the construction of fishing boats, too.
It comes as no surprise that bamboo-difficult to break yet easy to bend-is commonly used in the construction of fishing poles.
The approximate weight of the concrete used in the construction of the mighty Azteca stadium is said to be in excess of 100,000 tons.
He said that he welcomes Chinese businesses to take part in the construction of railways, roads, ports and other infrastructures in Brazil.
The singleton, builder, and factory method design patterns are considered creational patterns, as they assist in the construction of objects.
One suggestion he makes is to ensure that local firms share in the construction of new nuclear plants-something that would, no doubt, benefit Rolls-Royce.
Not one to ignore the plant's versatility, engineers and scientists at Kyoto University in Japan have utilized bamboo in the construction of electric cars.
Notable achievements were scored in the construction of infrastructure including energy, transport and telecommunications facilities and other key projects.
The most current analysis shows that by 2013 we won't have enough of the specialist construction vessels to assist in the construction of the offshore wind farms.
This configuration results in the construction of the Tomcat components hierarchy, shown on the right side of the figure, by the Geronimo kernel during run time.
An urban heat island is created when dark colored man-made materials used in the construction of a city absorb the sun's rays and release that energy back out as heat.
Because chips are the raw material in the construction of digital life, the implications of the faster-cheaper-smaller principle are profound. Consider a few examples.
Because clips are the raw material in the construction of digital life, the implications of the faster-cheaper-smaller principle are profound. Consider a few examples.
In the construction of housing environments the various requirements of the residents must be the first priority equipping the environments with some basic characteristics.
One feature, the chunked transfer encoding, is especially convenient in the construction of batches of messages where the size of the entire batch is not known a priori.
SWEs write a lot of test code including test driven design, unit tests and, as we explain in future posts, participate in the construction of small, medium and large tests.
他们编写大量的测试代码,包括测试驱动设计(test driven design)、单元测试以及其它我们将要在后文中提到的内容,他们参与各种规模的测试构建。
SWEs write a lot of test code including test driven design, unit tests and, as we explain in future posts, participate in the construction of small, medium and large tests.
他们编写大量的测试代码,包括测试驱动设计(test driven design)、单元测试以及其它我们将要在后文中提到的内容,他们参与各种规模的测试构建。