There can be no east wind in the dead of winter.
There is ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.
Three of my four daughters were born in the dead of winter.
I've been guilty of it twice, both during lonely times in the dead of winter.
I write you in the dead of winter from a summer village by the Atlantic Ocean.
Now wearing summer shoe styles in the dead of winter... well, that's just wrong.
When I remember to you, just like the warmest sunshine in the dead of winter floods into my heart.
At last we did move - a grueling journey packed on the open back of a truck in the dead of winter.
What bothers me is when I see attention-seeking men running without their shirt in the dead of winter.
And at last, after a tedious, calm flight, in the dead of winter, you land at the town on the Pacific.
Meaning Vermont residents may have a reminder of this summertime outage when they pay their electricity bills in the dead of winter.
In the dead of winter days, snow blocking the window, like a translucent crystal ice downpipe small columns, rows hung in the eaves.
Staying together in the guest quarters of the Kremlin and seeing Moscow in the dead of winter would be a good distraction for all of us.
Drunk co-eds will attest that they are able to walk around in the dead of winter in only a t-shirt or a skirt, provided they keep drinking.
We sent our eldest son to Japanese school briefly, and I'll never forget seeing all the little kids having to go to school in shorts even in the dead of winter.
So while sitting in your unheated apartment in the dead of winter pounding vodka might seem like a decent idea, your skin and Russian history are leading you astray.
The Celtics' mythology taught that with the coming of winter, a season of the dead, came a night in which the spirits of the dead could freely roam about with humans.
The feeling of VC on Internet is entering winter from spring. For example video, if no VC, more than 90% will be dead in the especial period of video.
The feeling of VC on Internet is entering winter from spring. For example video, if no VC, more than 90% will be dead in the especial period of video.