My husband answered it while I was on the phone in the dining room.
When they had lunch in the dining room, they sat alone at a table.
In the dining room of my grandfather's house stood a massive grandfather clock.
It may be the central table in the dining room, or a picture on the wall.
The guests were all in the dining room now, sitting down to their excess of appetizers.
But as soon as I joined him in the dining room it was clear he was rather less impressed by me.
Steven and John are in the dining room. John looks pale and Steven is inquiring about the reason.
Breakfast was no sooner over than down in the dining room the first round of mahjong was to begin.
Image above: Shelves in the dining room displaying the original paintings for our CARDS and stationery.
I would take my drawings down to Gipsy House for him to look at while sitting on the sofa in the dining room.
In the dining room, Chamberlain Branch, the mansion's steward, hugged Mrs. Sanford, and asked after the boys.
We then set up two tables in the living room and one in the dining room to form two tables of 8 and one of 10.
After dinner, I took a cup of juice and sat on the sofa in the dining room, staring at the lawns lying outside the window.
In the dining room a rich feast was spread, and the city mouse ran about on the table, and entertained his country friend.
Merchandising jobs in a restaurant are those in the dining room, including employees who come into contact with the public.
Few have offices, many eschew E-mail and the only blackberries to be found are in the dining room, beneath a thick layer of crumble.
She kept track of all of Michael's shots and his 50 daily pills in a notebook she'd placed in the dining room, next to his old dorm fridge.
每一次给迈克尔打针她都记在了一个笔记本上。 她把笔记本放在了餐厅挨着迈克尔以前宿舍里用的冰箱旁边。
In the dining room, there was a niche large enough, he told me, for a cabinet that he could build for me, with a lock to secure my silver inside.
After Hussein left, we kept going, with everyone staying in the dining room and collecting around different tables to keep working on various issues.
If he could blind himself to Ivetta’s presence in the dining room, to the people jostling him, to the gangsters at the bar, he could arrive at a solution.
After I piled everything in the dining room on Tuesday (you can read about that and see the "Before" photos), I didn't see the dining room floor again until Wednesday evening.
I noticed that in my mother's retirement home, the talk in the dining room was often about illness; people built their day around doctor's visits, partly, it seemed to me, to combat loneliness.
Oldsporting trophies sit in cabinets in the dining room, and panels ofMuranoglass displays dividing the restaurant and lounge areas come in fourcolorschemes meant to represent the different seasons.
A study by the University of Florida claims that putting mirrors in your dining room will help weight loss because they actually make junk food taste worse.
The inmates ate in a communal dining room.
She nodded toward the dining room. "He's in there."
In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.
In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.