In the first floor lobby there is a steel stairs to reach the second floor restaurant directly.
Catering service Located in the first floor of the lobby, east and west, and can also receive 780 people to sit.
Concrete walls and flooring provide the main elements in the first floor, while the mezzanine enjoys wooden floors.
As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse.And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window.Just staring.
Originally the house consisted in a two levels building, with inclinated roofs, that included public spaces and services on the ground floor and bedrooms in the first floor.
"I sat in the first floor room in which I work, watching my neighbours go about their lives, amazed and furious that they were behaving as if it was a normal day, " wrote Hattersley.
Every morning the hotel supply bread and coffee in the first floor, which couldn't arise my interest at all. I keep considering what to eat when I go out of the hotel in the morning.
The hotel restaurant in the first floor of the New School influx not only Cantonese-style, there are delicious, everyday matters Northeast flavor, so you can feel the new Northeast culinary culture.
Those of you in the ground and first floor rooms will notice that you've locking windows.
Anyone who saw Yao Ming tumble to the floor against the Portland Trailblazers in the first round of the NBA Playoffs had to feel sorry for the man.
It's on the first floor in the office building.
Julian Sanderson was in his apartment on the first floor of an old brick movie theater when the walls and ceiling began to crumble around him.
In America, it's the first floor.
If you are in a home without a basement, try to find a first floor bathroom or a small room without windows in the middle of your house.
North tower, 82nd floor (in office when the first plane struck).
Then there was the hotel itself. During my first night there, I don’t think I saw a single other guest — in the lobby, the restaurant, the elevator or on the 19th floor.
ANYONE who saw Yao Ming tumble to the floor against the Portland Trailblazers in the first round of the NBA Playoffs had to feel for the man.
After numerous nights of searching, they figured out the noise sounded like something flapping in the water and it came from the bathroom pipe on the first floor.
The elderly residents shuffle back and forth, cooking in kitchens on the first floor or sitting around the central courtyard chatting.
This isn't the first time a much-celebrated return to the negotiating table has resulted in overturned tables, with hard-won international laws and conventions scattered on the floor.
For reasons unknown, the first floor bedroom of this otherwise nondescript abode is located in that army green truck.
We started in the worst room in the house and first went through every item that was stacked in piles on the floor, sorting them into different “Keep”, “Trash”, Recycle”, “Goodwill”, and “Sell” boxes.
In the first quarter Yao dove on the floor for a loose ball, saving the possession.
An Afghan intelligence official in the hotel also told me that three of the attackers have managed to detonate their suicide vests, the first one in the second floor, where the rooms are.
I sprint through beetle mania into the longhallway that bisects the second floor, down the west staircase to the first floor, grateful to be in the pre-motion-detector era.
When Oyola heard the first explosion in his office on the 81st floor of the south tower, he raced down to the 78th floor to find her. They met at the elevator bank; she was terrified.
The top alone of the Corinthe facade suffered; the window on the first floor, and the attic window in the roof, riddled with buck-shot and biscaiens, were slowly losing their shape.
The one bright spot in the market - smaller cities - helped propel nationwide property sales, in terms of floor space, up 13 per cent in the first half from the previous year.
The one bright spot in the market - smaller cities - helped propel nationwide property sales, in terms of floor space, up 13 per cent in the first half from the previous year.