A new study shows a large gender gap in economic policy among the nation's professional economists, a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.
A new study shows a large gender gap on economic policy among the nation's professional economists, a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.
After the composition of the thirty-six stratagems, it has been widely read in the general public and the phrase "of all thirty-six stratagems, fleeing is the best" is also frequently used.
Society as a whole is vulnerable to the actions of computer professionals because most in the general public do not understand the dangers or implications of projects under the professionals' command.
The prevalence of mistaken beliefs in the general public implies that similar misunderstandings likely are common among jurors and could well lead to flawed analyses of testimony that involves memory.
Despite these differences, there is general uniformity in the organization and curricula of public schools throughout the country.
In 2016, such important reform policies associated with the interests of the general public were introduced in China as almost each person could benefit from in life.
In a region today divided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty to inform the general public about their common cultural heritage.
In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public.
However, both the administrators of public health and the general public share one view in common - that for such matters, personal effort makes no difference.
From the business perspective, a general PaaS solution hosted in the public cloud involves the following scenarios.
More than 100 countries took part in the tsunami response. Some $13.5 billion was pledged in aid, with an unprecedented $5.5 billion donated by the general public.
我们也因此感到安慰,当一次灾难性的海啸袭击一个大陆时,随之而来的是我们为减轻痛苦而做的努力: 100多个国家对这次灾难做出了回应,135亿美元救援基金到达了这个地区,来自普通民众的55亿美元的捐款也及时到位,这是史无前例的。
Leadership from WHO and the messages from World Health Day 2011 can play a pivotal role in emphasizing these important messages to the general public.
They say this was hugely unpopular with certain astronomers and with the public in general.
They mostly look for a zeal for science writing and the ability to write science stories in a way that the general public can understand.
Very few projects offer the general public a chance to volunteer in improving the sum of human knowledge in such a significant way.
Around 77 of the 200 hedge funds sold in Australia offer their products to the general public, sometimes over the Internet, without officials batting an eyelid.
But the general rule seems to be that public transport in Los Angeles has a great future, and always will.
If this practice continues, water will soon become a limiting factor for food production as a basic staple for the general public in some countries.
Whether athletes, coaches, or the general public in Jinan, have devoted great deal of enthusiasm to the Games.
This study considers the distribution and diversification of funding sources in general and in particular within the categories of public funding and of additional (other) funding sources.
The issue will increase in importance as the general public become more engaged via civil society movements and multi-stakeholder involvement.
The key challenge in implementing the policy will be the need to change the attitudes of individuals, families, health professionals and the general public.
The Pew Research Centre periodically asks a sample of opinion leaders, and another sample of the general public, a barrage of questions about "America's place in the world".
Their goal was to get results faster by inviting the general public to participate in the study and to conduct much of the research online.
This is, of course, a source of pride for Syria and the Syrian public in general.
Well they may not be famous to the general public, however they are well known in the world of nonprofit academia and research.
As the general public and women in particular are feeling more and more insecure, their demands for housing and financial security will keep growing.
In the past, the general public tend to think the demand for non-governmental schools only comes from high-income urban families instead of low-income rural areas.
In the past, the general public tend to think the demand for non-governmental schools only comes from high-income urban families instead of low-income rural areas.