The twins' genes were edited in order to prevent them from suffering from the HIV virus.
Like a parasite clinging to a host, the deadly HIV virus buds from a white blood cell grown in the laboratory.
To investigate the relationships between the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and underlying structural factors of poverty and wealth in several African countries.
The goal is to get the CD4 count as close to normal as possible, and to suppress the HIV amount of virus in the blood to an undetectable level.
Mortality trends were estimated separately for people with and without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in accordance with the International classification of diseases.
It wasn't until a few years into a search for an explanation for AIDS that a team in Paris (and a year later a team in the U.S.) isolated the virus we now know as HIV.
Even if your tests show that you have very low levels of HIV in your blood, the virus will not have been totally eradicated and you will still be capable of infecting others.
A drug that stops the HIV virus from stitching itself into human chromosomes is found to fight AIDS in an animal study.
EVEN though South Africa has more people infected with HIV than any other country in the world, candid discussion of the virus is still a taboo for many.
MELBOURNE University researchers have identified antibodies that fight HIV in a breakthrough that brings closer the "holy grail" of developing an effective vaccine against the virus.
In November, German haematologist Gero Huetter announced that he had cured a man of HIV through a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a genetic resistance to the virus.
Mr Ahmed willingly concedes that his group represents only a tiny fraction of those infected with HIV, the AIDS-causing virus, in a city of almost half a million people.
August 24, 2006-the first case of the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was detected 25 years ago in Los Angeles. Yet HIV and AIDS are spreading and there is still no vaccine available.
That changed in October 1992, during a trip to the Amazon with Robert Gallo, the us biomedical researcher credited with co-discovering the HIV virus.
THE human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1, the cause of the global AIDS epidemic, is the most intensively studied pathogen in history.
Sharing needles among injecting users is one of the primary means of spreading the HIV virus in Russia, where a hidden epidemic has seen transmission rates spiral.
The study tested a two-vaccine combination in a "prime-boost" approach, where the first one primes the immune system to attack the HIV virus, and the second one strengthens the response.
Chimpanzees are the first primate shown to get sick in the wild in significant Numbers from a virus related to HIV.
But mothers infected with HIV, the AIDS virus, face a dilemma: Because some of their virus can be shed in breast milk, babies risk becoming infected as they drink it.
Doctors in the German capital Berlin were surprised to discover that a bone marrow transplant they used for the patient with leukaemia also cured him of the HIV virus.
The most dramatic example came two years ago when a group of researchers reported finding a mouse-related virus called XMRV, a pathogen in the same family as HIV, which causes AIDS.
The most dramatic example came two years ago when a group of researchers reported finding a mouse-related virus called XMRV, a pathogen in the same family as HIV, which causes AIDS.