It's because he CHOOSES to focus on the good things that take place in the holiday season.
With just a week to go in the holiday season, Christmas shopping appears to have lost much of its steam, some retailers say.
In 2004, Germany's retail laws changed to allow stores to hold sales when they please, but most retailers still kept prices high in the holiday season.
The two came together in the holiday season partly because the markets had moved on from an assault on Italy to attack France, a core AAA-rated euro member.
在假日期间,两人聚首,一定程度上是因为市场对意大利发起攻击后接着对法国(核心的AAA -级欧元区成员国)发动攻击了。
But seniors aren't the only ones at risk for home falls, especially in the holiday season, when nearly two-thirds of fall injuries are incurred by people aged 20-49.
That relative strength would be consistent with what was seen in the wilder retail industry during the early part of the holiday season.
It is possible to holiday at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off season.
Online shopping for the holiday season remained just a drop in the ocean of the estimated US$450 billion spent by US consumers.
Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.
It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall.
Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season. You'd better make a reservation in advance.
Are you ready to participate in the mad shopping frenzy that we partake in every year, not only on Black Friday but all holiday season long?
Sony and Logitech said the sets and boxes will be available in the United States in time for the year-end holiday shopping season and be rolled out internationally next year.
You now have all the time in the world for the shopping, baking, decorating and celebrating that accompany the holiday season.
Reconnect: In addition to refreshing and reintroducing yourself to you, the holiday season is the perfect time to reengage with family, friends and former colleagues.
This will be the first holiday season in which electronics makers can focus on selling Blu-ray players without the added burden of having to make an argument for the format.
Because it's the holiday travel season and everyone is on edge, when the TSA agents have their hands in your pants, don't be surprised if they leave a candy cane.
"We've got a very strong lineup for the holiday season and some really great new products in the pipeline for 2010," he said.
With that behind them, now including new carriers in advance of the holiday season.
American retailers were in a cautiously optimistic mood before the start of the holiday shopping season.
Apple traditionally rolls out improvements to its iPod line in September to position the trend-setting portable media players for the year-end holiday shopping season.
A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year.
As the holiday shopping season kicked off in America and elsewhere, children have started nagging their parents for the latest toys.
It needs to push harder now more than ever to keep strong in the post-holiday season, when sales might begin to lag.
As the holiday shopping season kicks off in America and elsewhere, children have started nagging their parents for the latest toys.
Analysts point out that the adjustment of the data is tricky around the holiday season, and actual underlying employment may have grown in January.
Analysts point out that the adjustment of the data is tricky around the holiday season, and actual underlying employment may have grown in January.