Later, when Mrs. Luo, a neighbor in her late forties who had been laid off by the local electronics factory, came to sit with Teacher Fei’s mother, he went to a nearby Internet café.
后来,当邻居罗太太过来陪他母亲,他就去了附近网吧。 罗太太不到五十岁,是本地电子厂的下岗工人。
They are abroad in a world where they can watch the Super Bowl live from a Moscow sports bar or send an e-mail from an Internet café in Prague.
They are abroad in a world where they can watch the Super Bowl live from a Moscow sports bar or send ane-mail from an Internet café in Prague.
The new regulation bans teenagers from surfing the Internet in its café.
新规定禁止青少年在网吧上网。 新规定禁止青少年在网吧上网。
The new regulation bans teenagers from surfing the Internet in its café.
新规定禁止青少年在网吧上网。 新规定禁止青少年在网吧上网。