All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
And it was in this violent melting pot that the right combination of minerals was forged into life.
Now what happens then in Tony, to move to a slightly different way of thinking about it, is we can see that it's a global story masked as a story of hybridity in the American melting pot.
The melting pot does not melt away all recollections of another way of life in another place----nor should it.
Everything is in the melting pot at present, and even we are not sure how it will turn out.
Make the chocolate sauce by melting chocolate in milk over a water bath using a small bowl and a bit of water in a small pot. Mix until chocolate has melted.
"There is here a great melting pot in which we must compound a precious metal," said Wilson, as a million European immigrants poured into the us each year.
Although many cultures blend together, each culture in the America melting pot still retain its distinct flavor.
The most diverse and cosmopolitan city in Tyria, Lion's Arch is a melting pot where all the RACES gather and trade.
The term Melting Pot was first used in publication by Israel Zangwill in his play adapted from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet titled The Melting Pot in 1908.
It has allowed a melting pot of cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places.
It is thought that places in Southeast Asia, where humans and animals live in close proximity, might be the permanent melting pot where viruses continually circulate and exchange genetic information.
Is the world's ethnic melting pot in miniature.
In this city, you suddenly become one of the minority group, even though you were told that this city is melting pot.
Living in the big melting pot of the United States, the western culture collides with the eastern culture inevitably.
A world map hangs in my office, poked with colorful pins marking the countries of origin of my subjects: the diversity of the Bay Area's melting pot gives my column flavor.
Jazz music evolved in the "melting pot" of the United States.
You only have to glance at the credits on a Hollywood movie to see the polysyllabic, ethnic diversity of surnames in the great melting pot of the United States.
A lot amongst us worry about making mistakes. They have to bear in mind that countries like UK, USA, Australia and Canada are the melting pot of different cultures.
The architectural melting pot is seen in the tall romanesque columns the gothic hammervault roofing.
Many new immigrants set foot in this land ill-prepared to assimilate into the American melting pot.
Los Angeles is really the great melting pot of so many different cultures. We are in downtown Los Angeles in Chinatown. We have everything, huh? AII the good luck.
The past decades, especially in the past 10 years, has witnessed a rapid increase in Latin immigrants in the United States, which engulfs the assimilation speed of American "Melting Pot".
In the past, America has been known as a great 'melting pot' of many peoples. Why is this? This phrase has been used by so many people to describe America.
Using planetary gear reducer insteads of worm and worm wheel reducer in the pouring mechanism of melting cast iron pot. It had been used in practice and got its economic result.
Using planetary gear reducer insteads of worm and worm wheel reducer in the pouring mechanism of melting cast iron pot. It had been used in practice and got its economic result.