And I said it in the news conference before the fight with Brewster that after the fight as well, I never ever blamed anyone doing this.
To sum up, today's lecture has covered some of the advantages and disadvantages of the press conference, and three important factors in successful news coverage.
The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington.
Tina Meier, Megan's mother, said in a news conference after the verdict that she hoped Ms. Drew would serve jail time, and that she felt satisfied.
Asked whether the chief pilot was in the cockpit when the plane went down, Arslanian told a news conference in France that there was no information either way.
At his news conference, the overriding impression was of a man not fully in control of his message or his material.
A report on the project's findings was released today at a news conference in London.
Michael Jackson speaks at a news conference after hisarraignment in his child molestation case at the Santa Maria,Calif., courthouse, on April 30, 2004.
At a news conference in Benghazi, a spokesman for Libya's Transitional National Council said the people of Misrata were exposed to random shelling.
But at a news conference in Kabul, Hamidzada refused to directly blame Pakistan in the bombing targeting its historical rival India.
“This is a tough one, ” General Casey said at a news conference. “It’s a kick in the gut.
In a telephone news conference, Dr. Fukuda also expressed support for drug companies' making a generic version of the antiviral drug Tamiflu.
He has been in custody since the outburst on December 14 last year during a Bush news conference.
Zahi Hawass told AFP he has scheduled a news conference for February 17 in the Cairo Museum to unveil the findings from DNA samples taken from the world's most famous pharaoh.
Obama made his comments on NBC's "Meet the Press," in his most extensive interview since winning the White House more than a month ago, and later at a news conference in Chicago.
当天奥巴马在接受NBC“媒体面对面”(Meetthe Press)的电视采访和之后在芝加哥的一个新闻发布会上做出了以上表示。 奥巴马此次的NBC专访是其赢得大选后一个多月来所接受的最深入的一次采访。
"Italy is considering how to involve Iran, not whether to involve Iran," Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini told a news conference in the Afghan capital.
“意大利正在考虑怎样将伊朗包括进来,而不是是否将伊朗包括进来。”伊朗外长Franco Frattini在阿富汗首都的一个记者招待会上说。
In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.
When Soini was in the US last week, he spoke on Fox News. Last month he spoke at the Conservative party conference in Manchester.
The change was due to be announced at the Tory party conference in Manchester this weekend but was brought forward after news leaked.
According to Futabasha in a news conference, the last photograph in Usui's digital camera was of the bottom of the cliff from the vantage point of the top.
The announcement of the Syrian National Council at a news conference in Istanbul appeared to be the most serious step yet to unify a deeply fragmented opposition.
Iacocca did not participate in a news conference prior to the gala, which was also organized to help promote and expand the museum's collection of cars and technology from Chrysler's 85-year history.
Jubilant and gracious in victory, she gave her first news conference in 18 months, talked of the congratulations she received from friends and foes alike, and reciprocated them.
At a news conference in San Diego where the findings were announced, the researchers said the brands of water tested are commonly sold in Quebec and Ontario.
At a news conference in San Diego where the findings were announced, the researchers said the brands of water tested are commonly sold in Quebec and Ontario.