In the newsletter published today, there is one sentence in the topic of Vanguard Activities inconsistent with real situation.
If an employee successfully finishes a project, put an announcement on the Intranet site or in the e-newsletter, and plan an impromptu celebration.
In his February newsletter, Peter Turner, the head teacher, warned that any CARDS found in school would be confiscated.
WalletPop says: in a recent newsletter, Duke Medicine's fitness and nutrition expert Kara Mitchell put it this way, "the central ingredients in most of these drinks are caffeine and sugar."
WalletPop说:在最近的时事通讯中,来自杜克医药的健康营养专家Kara Mitchell提到了他的观点,“大部分这种饮料的核心材料就是咖啡因和糖。”
The reason I chose the word queen was that I see from the Oxford English Dictionary’s online newsletter that this word was recently updated in their December 2007 quarterly release.
But beyond two small signs in the store and an announcement in the store's e-newsletter that goes to 2, 000 readers, "we've yet to really promote it," she says.
I will keep in contact with my readers through a newsletter and through polls that I will post weekly on the blog (I feel that a lot of you really like those polls They are fun!)
Post tons of useful answers on discussion boards where your expertise is valued. Build a permission asset in the form of an email newsletter or a fascinating blog that people want to read.
That article is more into webmaster point of view, but in this post I want to add in a readers’ prespective – What are the benefits for subscribing RSS instead of email newsletter?
Try sharing it with others via blog, newsletter, over the phone or in person.
RUG members are regularly invited to participate in polls and surveys, and their companies are spotlighted in the monthly newsletter.
I am on the company's E-mail list as a potential customer for free news alerts on certain product lines and other ways of getting information faster than I would get in a print newsletter.
Pernod Ricard benefited from a recovery in demand in cafes, hotels and restaurants, according to the weekly newsletter, which didn’t define the dates of the summer period.
The winner would be honorably mentioned in the company newsletter, Ms. Worth recalls.
This can be done in a newsletter, on your website and on the various social media platforms you're using.
If you subscribe to more than one newsletter in a certain category (e.g. tech newsletters), choose the one that delivers the most value to you on a daily basis and get rid of the rest.
The pages, below, are examples of how you might combine text and graphics in a 7-unit vertical grid (such as for a newsletter).
During a monthly meeting in Boston, executives answer staff questions for a half hour, and the people who ask outstanding questions are recognized in the company's newsletter.
Community Connections, a monthly feature in our e-Speaks newsletter, offers families and the community the opportunity to share practical tips about meeting everyday challenges.
Speculation about a possible deal has been rife for almost a year, but a report in a recent edition of the Gulf States Newsletter suggests that negotiations could be close to a conclusion.
Several mathematicians will ponder the question of whether math is invented or discovered in the June European Mathematical Society Newsletter.
Nikides and other teens are averaging 6.5 to 7.5 hours of sleep a night, well below the nine hours recommended in a newsletter this month by the Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine.
One option, argues Mark Anderson, the President of Strategic news Service, a technology newsletter, is for him to persuade his new bosses "to decide unanimously that HP's future is in imaging."
As well as nourishing us all with the fountain of wisdom spewed forth in her Goop newsletter, Gwyneth Paltrow is also extremely talented.
Relatively speaking, though, Washington is still in good shape, says Michael Parks, the editor of Marple’s, a north-western economic newsletter.
Note: Find information in the BSD newsletter in the Resources section on building a small NetBSD kernel as a starting point for an embedded system.
Now, as he travels the globe in search of growth, he keeps a green spreadsheet in his briefcase from the industry newsletter Beverage Digest.
现在,他游历全球来寻找增长点,公文包里一直存放着来自工业实时通讯Beverage Digest的绿色电子数据表。
For example, with all your graphics in a single folder, it's easy to use the Filmstrip view and slide show feature in Windows Explorer to find the right picture for your newsletter.
In fact, Facebook ranked lower than the print ad, customer service instant messaging and the email newsletter, whether the demographic surveyed was 25-34, 35-44, or 45-plus.
In fact, Facebook ranked lower than the print ad, customer service instant messaging and the email newsletter, whether the demographic surveyed was 25-34, 35-44, or 45-plus.