By looking up the elements in the rings for a given year, scientists can tell what elements were in the air that year.
On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
In the example above, there are small gaps in the rings.
The poles are to remain in the rings of this ark; they are not to be removed.
To increase the contact area and permit larger loads to be carried, the balls run in curvilinear grooves in the rings.
So, by measuring the ratio of the two isotopes in the rings of trees, and matching the result to the age of the ring, a history of hurricanes spanning the life of the tree can be reconstructed.
I found that there were these rings in every specimen except for the smallest.
He has seen evidence of these warm dusty rings in infrared radiation picked up by the Spitzer space telescope.
I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this year's greatest hit.
It's 5:00 in the morning when the alarm rings in my ears.
The tree people in the Lord of the Rings—the Ents—can get around by walking.
They're going to perform underneath the Olympic rings in St. Pancras station on.
For more than 300 years, we thought Saturn was the only body in the solar system with rings.
For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf after the character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films.
Bone growth in reptiles is periodic in nature, producing a series of concentric rings in the bone, not unlike the growth rings of a tree.
This variation shows up in the trees growth rings.
In the 1980's, however, Bakker's contention began to be questioned, as a number of scientists found growth rings in the bones of various dinosaurs that are much like those in modern reptiles.
Your paper must be handed in as soon as the bell rings.
In fulfilling the production quotas, John made rings round all his fellow workers.
The precious gold rings and necklets were encased in box to preserve them.
They then used local snowfall records to find the relationship between precipitation and the proportion of heavy oxygen in tree rings for the years covered by the weather records.
The cell phone in his pocket rings.
So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods they had and the rings in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak at Shechem.
For the Olympics, he decided to make the rings in five colors: red, blue, yellow, black and green, just like the Olympic rings.
You have to mix oil into the gas in a two-stroke engine because the holes in the cylinder wall prevent the use of rings to seal the combustion chamber.
And they made two ouches of gold, and two gold rings; and put the two rings in the two ends of the breastplate.
Jack and Teri are in the hospital hallway when his phone rings.
In 1920 the rings were revived to represent the five continents with North and South America being represented by one ring.
In 1920 the rings were revived to represent the five continents with North and South America being represented by one ring.