Objectve: Utilizes the PDCA circulatory system in the surgical department guidance and teaching, improves the practice guidance and teaching quality.
目的:在外科带教中运用PD CA循环系统,提高实习带教质量。
Objective To investigate the training needs of nurses in the head and neck cancer surgical department for the countermeasures.
Methods In the teaching process of the surgical department, the surgery live broadcast teaching, surgery scene visit , medical (record)teaching and multimedia teaching were used .
Methods in the teaching process of the surgical department, the surgery live broadcast teaching, surgery scene visit, medical (record) teaching and multimedia teaching were used.
Objective To investigate the surgeon-specific incisional wound infection(IWI) rate in the general surgical department of a hospital, and to evaluate the strategies for the control of IWI.
The patient with marasmus were mainly in surgical department.
Objective to investigate the causes of surgical wound infection (SWI) in patients in department of general surgery, so as to take effective measures to reduce the infection rate of SWI.
The application of insulin have gradually been payed attention to in surgical department, such as the critical illness, trauma surgery, infection surgery, etc.
In addition, children with other pediatric surgical disease are also treated in the department. We would provide the best service for all the patients.
In this surgical department also disposes has the gastro-endoscope room, the stomach and intestines electrograph inspection room, the electrocardiogram room, the Chinese medicine laboratory.
The Beijing Children's Hospital surgical department young child burnt, the reshaping specialty to be tenable in 1970, until now had 30 remaining years of life.
Objective to investigate the incidence and related factors of nosocomial infection in patients in a thoracic and cardiovascular surgical department.
Engaged din the uropoiesis surgical department, male specialist clinical work for many years, has accumulated rich experience in clinical work.
The limited side-to-side portal-caval shunt with a limitary ring attached is the first-choice surgical procedure to treat the portal hypertension in our department.
The limited side-to-side portal-caval shunt with a limitary ring attached is the first-choice surgical procedure to treat the portal hypertension in our department.