However, it should be acknowledged that some changes, such as those relating to system qualities such as performance or reliability, cannot be isolated in this way.
Nevertheless, the system is crudely efficient, merchants can all easily access factories, and the factories in this geographically isolated city now have sales networks that span the globe.
Key to system is the idea of a "principal", which in this case is the triple of protocol, domain-name, and port. Each combination is isolated from any other combination at the process level.
In this paper, a Chinese isolated word recognition system is established based on the source-filter generation model combined with the acoustic characteristics of whispered speech.
In this paper, it discuss the hardware design and software design of the system. In hardware design, it mainly includes peripheral memory, low Butterworth filter, isolated serial port.
In this paper, the process of building the mechanical model of the isolated structure equivalent system is chiefly introduced.
This system also can catalyze the reaction of benzene with alkyl chloride, in which only the desired diphenylmethane is isolated in good yield (5 equiv. ).
This system also can catalyze the reaction of benzene with alkyl chloride, in which only the desired diphenylmethane is isolated in good yield (5 equiv. ).