More and more investors are coalescing into groups, hopeful of reaching the threshold at which they can instruct mortgage-pool trustees to act against servicers (25% of note-holders in a given issue).
Gordell Wright, one of the tribe’s three elected trustees, observes most New Yorkers think of Indians in historical terms; but “we are here and our problems are contemporary, ” he says.
Gordell Wright,三个部落当选受托人之一,指出大多数纽约人了解印第安人在历史的层面,但“我们在这里,我们的问题是当代的, ”他说。
If the plan cleared the committee, and if the board of trustees approved it, Blum could hold an auction in the fall.
But later in the day the trustees voted to fire him.
In some cases, the whole board of trustees comes from the founding corporation and thus sometimes the integrity of the foundation is questioned by the public.
The policy was implemented in year two of a three-year no-smoking plan championed by the hospital’s board of trustees.
These task force nominees were reviewed for potential conflicts of interest, approved by the APA Board of Trustees, and announced in 2007.
Or did one of the Trustees notice the hole in little Susie's stockings?
But according to the merger memorandum signed in November, Iberia can call off the wedding if BA cannot reach a satisfactory agreement with the trustees of its two pension funds.
Article 30 Trustees shall not participate in bidding or trust others to providing bidding for them.
Gordell Wright, one of the tribe's three elected trustees, observes most New Yorkers think of Indians in historical terms; but "we are here and our problems are contemporary," he says.
三位当选部落委托人之一的Gordell Wright指出,大多数纽约人用历史的角度看待印第安人;但“我们实实在在地活著,我们的问题是当代的”,他说道。
The trustees of the future could not freely ride off in all directions.
The Foundation's new mission and vision, along with its new motto - Doing Good in the World - were approved by the Foundation Trustees and the RI Board and endorsed by the Council on Legislation.
Specific strategies for activities and projects are still being developed for review by the Trustees in April.
Thee trustees of the future could not freely ride off in all directions.
The Trustees maintain an operating reserve fund to assure TRF's stability in times of economic downturn, unexpected emergency, or necessary expense.
She formerly served on the Board of Trustees of the Lingnan Foundation, a supporter of education initiatives in southern China.
In first one, every trustee is generalised to an escrow agent and every agent has a few trustees.
I want to commend my friend your President the trustees of this great university for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges.
The trustees rely on the integrity of Rotarians engaged in projects to ensure that funds are used effectively and for the purpose for which they were given.
Article 32 the co-trustees who incur debts to a third party in the course of handling trust business shall bear joint and several responsibilities for clearing the debts.
As an institution, the Cleveland Clinic recognizes its responsibilities to the community in which it resides, and to the trustees who oversee the management of its resources.
It is over 360 years since the first University Board of Trustees in the world was set up in the Harvard College in 1642.
The Trustees must operate in a moderately conservative fashion because of their fiduciary responsibility for managing TRF's funds.
In addition to the areas of focus, other details about the grant structure require further clarification from the Trustees.
In addition to the areas of focus, other details about the grant structure require further clarification from the Trustees.