Two inbred lines of maize, ZA5716 and ZA6192, with high combining ability and disease resistance, were obtained from a breeding population improved by recurrent selection.
At present, inbred lines of transgenic insect resistant maize with selective marker gene removed are in separating and inbreeding program assisted by DNA marker detection.
The aluminum tolerance mechanism of maize was studied in this article, two maize inbred lines, which have different aluminum tolerance ability, were used as study material.
It can be wide used in maize seed purity identification, genetic background analysis of maize germplasm, fast selection and screening of target gene, maize inbred lines purification, et al.
Heredity correlation and path of ear characters of 8 inbred maize lines were analyzed.
Development of inbred lines is very important in hybrid maize research.
The main results are as following: 1. By analysing 24 maize inbred lines with SSR, 136 alleles was detected from 44 pairs of primers, 2-7 alleles of each pair, average was3.09.
主要结果如下:1、对24个玉米自交系进行了SSR分析,44对引物共检测出136个等位基因变异,每对引物检测出2 - 7个等位基因,平均为3.09个。
Introduction of tropical germplasm is one of the ways for extending the genetic basis of maize germplasm and parental inbred lines.
The difference of band pattern in maize inbred lines or hybrids is obvious, but it don't display regularity changes with maize breeding eras.
With 24 maize inbred lines, by the injuring rates of sprout length and radical length were evaluated drought tolerance using PEG-6000 to simulating water stress method at germination stage;
From them, 3 inbred lines were selected for high resistance and high susceptiveness, respectively, in order to take genetic analysis of maize sheath blight gene in next step.
From them, 3 inbred lines were selected for high resistance and high susceptiveness, respectively, in order to take genetic analysis of maize sheath blight gene in next step.