The equations of caustic curve and its initial curve for a crack illuminated by an oblique incident light beam in reflection arrangement were deduced using the space analytic geometry method.
When the initial power is equal to the critical power and light beam is incident at the beam waist, the elliptical Hermite-Gaussian spatial optical soliton is obtained.
According to the multi-beam interference occurred at the air gap for the polarizing light of Taylor prism, the transmitted light intensity depends on the incident Angle.
On the basis of theories of physics, geometrical optics and photometry, the optical properties of collimated light beam incident upon single fiber perpendicular to the fiber axis are studied.
The results have shown that the transformed light beam has an obviously interferential and diffraction structure, and the distribution of incident laser beam a…
The results have shown that the transformed light beam has an obviously interferential and diffraction structure, and the distribution of incident laser beam a…