Other instances in which this pattern is useful include logging and printing, such as when you want only one instance of a class to access and control one particular printer at a time.
The founders' original vision did not include large companies as users; they only expected 25 or so people logging in to one server.
Related mediation patterns include auditing and logging in a manner appropriate for the solution.
Based on the information in the previous section, we will now see how to rewrite the DebugMediation to make it more reusable, and to extend its capabilities to include logging the message content.
When they run in a container that uses commons logging, like JBoss, Tomcat, etcetera, and they include the commons-logging JAR [file] in their app, they run into nasty exceptions.
当他们在使用通用日志的容器内运行程序(如JBoss、Tomcat 等),并且在其应用程序中包含了通用日志 JAR【文件】时,将遭遇严重的异常问题。
The method include as fellows:(1) In Early diagenesis stage, the porosity and lithology well logging data are applied to analysis compression curve, and to determine the compression area.
方法为:(1 )成岩作用早期:应用孔隙度测井和岩性测井资料,通过压实曲线分析压实作用区间;
Logging application block. Developers can use this application block to include standard logging functionality in their applications.
The system include building sample plot database, logging in, editing, modifying, statistics and analyzing, comprehensive sample calculate and result output.
Improved logging support : FTP logging has been enhanced to include all FTP-related traffic, unique tracking for FTP sessions, FTP sub-statuses, additional detail fields in FTP logs, and much more.
改进采伐支持 :的FTP日志已得到增强,包括了所有的FTP相关的交通,独特的跟踪为FTP会议的FTP分状态,更多细节领域的FTP日志,等等。
Improved logging support : FTP logging has been enhanced to include all FTP-related traffic, unique tracking for FTP sessions, FTP sub-statuses, additional detail fields in FTP logs, and much more.
改进采伐支持 :的FTP日志已得到增强,包括了所有的FTP相关的交通,独特的跟踪为FTP会议的FTP分状态,更多细节领域的FTP日志,等等。